Will The Brothers and Sisters Marry and Have Children in The New System?

by AwakenedAndFree 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Barry,

    You said:"No because if brothers and sisters marry thats incest"

    In case you do not know, people who are related to us in the Christian faith, we address them to as Brothers and Sisters! They are our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters! Christian Love, AAF

  • barry

    ?Yea I know that awakened I just couldnt resist puttin that in . Barry

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    what a bunch of code words..

    New system, Brothers and Sisters, the Truth, The orginazation, disfellowshipped, disassociated, return visits, field service reports.

    Sounds like the Scientalogists, except no electronic boxes to hook up to your head

  • FlyingHighNow
    ?Yea I know that awakened I just couldnt resist puttin that in . Barry

    And very cleverly, Barry. By the way, has anyone ever told you that you bear a striking resemblance to a very tiny John Cleese? And cleverly funny he is, too. Heather

  • barry

    What is that John Cleese well I look just like him anyway.

  • Tashawaa

    When we would get into discussions of this topic (back in the good ole' dubbie days), I usually was quiet. I felt that the resurrected would marry - but almost everyone would give the usual reasons why they wouldn't. How Jah would take away their desire for it... etc etc blah blah blah

    I couldn't understand why then, doesn't he take away bad "desires" now - hell, thats alot better solution to "sin" than armageddon.

    And I often wondered if 1 Tim 4:1-3 applied to them... "later time some shall fall away...seducing spirits and doctines of demons... forbidding to marry..."

  • Xena

    If I recall correctly the dubs claim that the new testament was written directly to the anointed and those scriptures refer to them not to the great crowd...at least that was the understood thinking when I left about 4 years ago.

    If you survive armagaddon with your spouse you would remain married to that person forever...if one of you dies then the marrage bond is broken....that the remaining person remarries and both survive armagaddon then the person who is resurected will have to watch their loved one live with another person forever....but of course they will be ok with this cause hey they get eternal life and all....

  • AwakenedAndFree
    Xena said:"If I recall correctly the dubs claim that the new testament was written directly to the anointed and those scriptures refer to them not to the great crowd..."

    LUKE:20:33:" Consequently, in the ressurrection, of which one of them does she become [the wife]? For the seven got her as a wife?

    According to the Watchtower's teachings with regards to the illustration the Seducees gave to Jesus regarding the wife who married seven times is that this wife is - actually of the Anointed Class!

    MATTHEW:" 22:29:"In reply Jesus said to them:" You are mistaken, because YOU know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God;

    MATTHEW:22:30:" for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage,"

    "Holy men "and "Holy Women" are not mentioned in Matthew 22:30.

    Christian Love,


  • Xena

    I dunno the reasoning behind it...but from my last recollection they viewed the New Testament as being written to the anointed with it just being "beneficial" for the great crowd. Personally I was a bit irked at being regulated to the "not being worthy of having the word of god given to me too" ranks.

  • stillajwexelder

    SHAMUS - Absolutely wicked, irreverent, brilliant and funny -- but although you do it tongue in cheek -- it is exactly as the WT protrays it -- I too do not want to be in the New System under any arrangement that even comes within 1% of your scenario.

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