Are the witnesses tight?

by stillajwexelder 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Are Jehovah?s Witnesses tight? I tell you why I ask. A presiding overseer stated that from the platform in the last 18 months. There was a thread recently where one poster stated that at District Conventions Pioneers actually gave literature as a tip to the waitress at a place where they were dining -- no doubt counting their time also. They reason that the literature brings in everlasting life and is therefore more valuable than money. There was an article in the WT/Awake not too long ago about tipping - so I assume the GB think it mat be a possible problem. Now I know pioneers generally are in low paid jobs ? but for Gods sake, some of these waitresses and bar tenders are literally on minimum wage -- surely a 10% tip is not too much to ask. Now sometimes I only give 10% say to a bartender in a high price place like JFK or La Guardia or Newark airport (because the prices are inflated anyway)? but in my local bar I give more. My rule is 10% for average service, 15% for above average service and 20% for excellent service. I do not think many witnesses would do this. What do you all think? Am I being too hard on the witnesses? Are there many others just as tight fisted as them? You see the way I view it is that our God Jehovah is bounteous and generous -- should we not imitate him?

  • Gopher

    Leaving magazines in place of tip money? Tacky, but not unheard of.

    Q:What's the difference between a JW and a canoe?

    A: A canoe is more likely to tip.

    There has been article upon article in the "Our Kingdom Ministry" reminding the JW's to tip appropriately. (One elder handling this part said if you can't afford the tip, don't go to that restaurant. There's always McDonalds.)

    Where I'm from, 15% is the AVERAGE tip. Below that indicates a measure of dissatisfaction with the service rendered.

    I was to a JW after-meeting meetup at the local pizza house. I was the last one to leave the table, and I noticed that of the whole group of young adults, only $1 was left. I was embarrassed and put down a few dollars to make up the difference. (Maybe young people in general have this problem, I don't know...)

  • blondie

    Are witnesses tight, cheap?

    I have found that people who were cheap before becoming JWs don't change much. If their children born in the "troof" see their example, they can become 2nd generation tightwads.

    I have seen JWs tip generously when out for dinner. When I was a regular pioneer, I was always careful to tip adequately, knowing that the waitstaff worked hard for a low wage. Many of my JW roommates were waiters and supported themselves on tips.

    In my area and over my 40 years' association with JWs, they have tipped adequately. The cheap ones gypped everyone equally, JW and non-JW. How many can remember the JWs that never donated for gas yet rode in your car every day? Those were the ones that didn't tip either. I find that young people tend not to tip well because mommy and daddy are paying their way so far.

    Cheap - save money at the expense of others

    Thrifty - save money at the expense of yourself


  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Back in the 50's, when the big Yankee Stadium conventions were being held, and the JW's would set up big "tent cities", there was a joke that when the Witnesses visited the city, they brought with them a $10 dollar bill and the 10 Commandments, and didn't break either one.

    Of course, it could also be that most witnesses are at the bottom of the economic ladder, because a good career is a "materialistic" goal.


  • czarofmischief

    Not really more so than anybody else. Some folks just won't tip, others, like me, throw money at just about everybody they see, especially if they're hot.


  • Mutz

    I don't know what the Witnesses are like elsewhere but round here they are as tight as a ducks arris!

  • Maverick

    I posted a question to our Canadian and British members about tipping. They did not know that servers get around $2US an hour. I have seen a lot of duds leave mags for tips, it never leaves a good impression. Leaving a nice tip with a mag underneath might make a favorable one. But I have never seen anyone do that! Maverick, who always tipped nice and left the literature in the bag!

    PS the word "tight" today means something the is really good, that's why I looked at this post in the first place!

  • fraidycat9

    It's been said that they're so tight that they can squeeze a nickel until a booger comes out of Jefferson's nose.

    So tight that they go to conventions with the ten commandments and a ten dollar bill and break neither one.

    All jokes aside, I've seen both ends of the spectrum. Overly generous or embarassingly miserly.

  • stillajwexelder

    don't know what the Witnesses are like elsewhere but round here they are as tight as a ducks arris!


  • little witch
    little witch

    I don't think this is novel to dubs. Many tightwads will use a critical eye to lessen the worth of the services rendered and thereby lower, or refuse to tip.

    That ticks me off.... I am a frugal person, and I dont often go out to dine, but when I do, I always pay the minimum 15%. Usually more. Almost always more. By the way, waiters and waitresses are not paid minimum wage (at least not in Indiana). It is more like 2 bucks an hour. People think these folks are being paid a good wage for their services, and that tips are a bonus. Not true. They rely on their tips.

    If you dine at an establishment, you are being served. The person who brings your food and drink deserve to be compensated for their service. It that bothers someone, then, I agree, "Go to Mc Donalds".

    Not tipping is in poor taste, and there is no excuse to abuse your server.

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