Are the witnesses tight?

by stillajwexelder 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    well said litte witch - I tip 15-30 % depending - -if the bill is 6$ I will often give 10$ so 4 on 6 is 67% -- all depends

  • Sassy

    There have been parts through the years (especially near District Convention times) about giving customary tips so as not to offend (and not leaving literature), but you will always have some that do it any way.

    I think as far as money goes you can find tight wadds in and out of the JWs.. although I have seen time and again some families who are bad about if they think you have a skill to do something, have you come and "be a good christian friend in the congregation to help another out" and expect at times for FREE, when they would have to pay to have it done elsewhere... There was one brother who fixed tvs for a living.. he sure didn't fix anyone elses for free (brothers or sister included) but if he needed a deck built on to his house or his car worked on, he'd be calling the mechanic in the cong or the brothers in the hall to come build this deck w/o a thought to offering to pay. Now there is nothing wrong with you help me here, I'll help you there.. but like I said.. he sure never fixed anyone's tvs for free..

  • Athanasius

    Some are. Others can be very generous.

  • CountryGuy

    I waited tables for a couple of years after college. I can tell you that there are several groups out there that are "known" by waiters/waitresses to be horrible tippers. Christians in general are the worst offenders. The JWs are known to be the worst of the Christians. Note, that when I say Christians, I'm speaking of those who have just come from church. They have already give the Lord his 10% and don't think that the waiter deserves more than the Lord.

    The management of the restaurant where I worked had to put up a special notice letting the waitstaff know that the JWs where in town and to expect bad tipping. To make up for it, the restaurant would increase our hourly pay for those days the JWs were in town.

    It made me laugh. The organization encourages everyone to wear those stupid lapel cards after the day's session is over. (Which my family did, like retards!) In a restaurant, these lapel cards just identify them as bad tippers and often gets them "less than sanitary" food. Especially if they are stupid enough to visit the same restaurant twice during one convention. One server I worked with had five tables of JWs one evening... for those five tables he made a whopping $5! Each table left him a dollar! One group of them came in again the next night and got him as their server again... before leaving the kitchen with their food, he sneezed all over it and then took it to the table.

    So much for being an good example to the world! I would have rather waited on a Baptist than a JW.

  • stillajwexelder

    Just to add I have been invited to functions where the host puts on af ree bar for the first hour -- if I get say 3 mixed drinks in that hour (value say 15$) I would think it obscene if somebody did not tip the bartender say 5$ . In my experience Jehovahs Witnesses are the worst group when it comes to tipping --if they can get something for free they will -- and they are supposed to be imitating avery generous God - not a good witness.

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