Getting drunk a sin?

by Coop Man 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    I have a pretty interesting perspective on this.....especially since I once had all of my privledges removed because I had admitted to an Elder that I was hungover....

    The scriptures state that drunkards will not inherit Gods' kingdom, nor will gluttons...

    Gluttony is the PRACTICE of over-eating, much the same is being a drunkard is one who is CONTINUOUSLY drunk. So, in my feeble mind, getting drunk "once-in-a-while" is not a sin, just the same as overeating at McDonalds or at Grandma's house is not a sin.

    Am I incorrect in my reasoning?

    Thanks to all participants


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Interesting article on wine in the bible.

  • SpunkyChick

    naaaaw it's not a sin to do it once in awhile...bottoms up my friend!

  • Euphemism

    Interesting article, Phantom! The Bible definitely does not forbid--or even discourage--the drinking of alcohol.

    As far as getting drunk, however... aside from 'drunkards', it also condemns drunkenness ("drunken bouts", NWT) and says "do not be drunk" ("do not be getting drunk", NWT). (Ro 13:13; Gal 5:21; Eph 5:18) So I don't think it can be said that the Bible condones drunkenness, even a single instance.

    However, it's also true that it is only "drunkards", and not merely anyone who gets drunk once, who are condemends as "not inheriting the Kingdom of God." The JW's problem is that they have no tolerance for human weakness. Even a single lapse cannot be forgiven; some form of "discipline" must be meted out. That sort of control, IMHO, is what is not supported by the Bible.

    (P.S. I should add for clarification... I don't believe there's anything wrong with getting drunk every once in a while! But then again, I don't believe in the Bible.)

  • SanFranciscoJim
    So, in my feeble mind, getting drunk "once-in-a-while" is not a sin, just the same as overeating at McDonalds or at Grandma's house is not a sin.

    In the JW world, I think it's a judgement call on the part of each body of elders. I had a problem with alcohol the entire time I was a JW. I went to the elders repeatedly asking for guidance, and for forgiveness of my "sin". I was told by one elder "If you are truly repentant, Jehovah will forgive you. Just don't drink so much next time." I believe I was told this because my congregation's P.O. was a habitual drinker. If they enforced drunkenness with me, they would have to do the same with the P.O.. To avoid any embarrassment, they swept my problem under the rug and took no action.

    The Bible is not clear what a "drunkard" is. It is open to interpretation, just as "glutton" is open to interpretation. I see many JWs go to eat at all-you-can-eat restaurants, stuffing themselves like pigs. Are they any less "guilty" than someone who drinks to excess? I would think not.

    Just a thought....If you consider your drinking a problem, you might want to seek the help of A.A. or a counselor, rather than justifying it by comparing it to other's eating habits.

  • stillajwexelder

    reasoning is good -- everything in moderation -- including moderation

  • Oracroth

    Well, let's consider the reasons for not becomming "Drunk". Anyone knows that being drunk affects your mental state. You are more subject to indulge in "negative" activities, for me it was sex with people I normally would not... wait, actually it was sex with people I normally would have sex with. But that's negative in alot of religeons (and kung-fu too). So obviously we don't want to act with degraded mental processes. Also, there are physical problems that come with repetitious drinking. So basically I figure if you are drinking and none of the above happens then it is more than likely okay. And for you who enjoy marajuana, it is not forbidden to take the smoke of marajuana in your body by the bible, but unfortunately alot of religeons beleive that going against the government is a sin when it has nothing to do with god, soooooo, marajuana is pretty much under the classification of alchohol except where government is concerned (I miss jamaica).

  • Sassy

    I think that drinking and many times more than a little WAS more COMMON than anyone wanted to admit in the congregations. We always through the years had friends who you know you could comfortably have more than a few drinks with. It is one of those things that no one admits to the other we had a little too much to drink and you go to the hall the next day no matter how tired you are or feeling a little under the weather.. (actually hangover is not in my personally vocabulary.. THANKFULLY)

    Its funny how some can over look it, yet do one other little thing condemned the same in the bible and you are oh my.. better go report yourself to the elders..

    I so love that I can go home and have a drink if I feel like it.. have several drinks if I feel like it.. and I don't have to worry about people counting the drinks or telling others that I have a drinking problem when they themselves should be looking in the mirror...

    Now I can have a drink with friends, enjoy, no one thinks I am having too much and no one thinks about gossiping about it the next day either..

    and yes.. I agree.. gluttony is the same as drunkeness.. but how many people do you see that get called in for over eating..

    I remember one time at friends home, this other friend who is the largest man I personally have ever met, finished off the spaghetti they were serving by putting all that was in the pan on his plate even though a couple of the kids had yet to get any.. that is gluttony.. my son (who didn't get any, never forgot that as well.. the sister had to make him a sandwich)

  • Oracroth

    I've known someone get called in for gluttony, it was after a congregation get together where the sister took half of a pumpkin pie and sprayed on twice the pie size in whip cream. Then went for ice cream and also went after as much food as possible. Nobody would have said anything, but it was in our home and she ended up breaking a chair with metal legs that she sat in. Everyone was more than displeased with her level of greed, so she was talked to and "councelled". I don't know what they talked to her about since that's private stuff, but last I heard, her parents were trying to save up to get her stomach stapled.

  • stillajwexelder

    What is extremely spiritual and an alcoholic? answer to follow

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