Thank you Scenic viewer
by Newly Enlightened 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Woah, wha......?
That... Is... Awesome.
I'm going to order them and ship them to all my JW relatives, lol. Amazon has a gift service. :)
Introvert 2
Right on will order a couple copies and will make sure to donate one each to our local congregations hehe !! Good job Mike and Kim thank-you !! This will hopefully be putting some more hurt to the WT corporation going forward.
I'm going to order a hardback copy and donate it to my local library.
Edited to say: should I request it be reference section only as I've heard, I don't know if it's true, that JWs will steal copies and destroy them?
Introvert 2
I'm going to order a hardback copy and donate it to my local library.
Edited to say: should I request it be reference section only as I've heard, I don't know if it's true, that JWs will steal copies and destroy them?
Good idea, remember : "Theocratic Warfare" They'll do it if allowed to do so. Don't give them that chance.
NEWLY ENLIGHTENED- Hey thanks ! $ 25.99 ! That's a really decent price, pretty fair deal for such a huge paperback book chalk full of important information to assist people to freedom of mind indeed. I'll be ordering my copy as soon as I can ! Thanks again, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Link at Amazon to order from,
Edit: Oops, didn't work.
Go to Amazon and type in Crisis of Conscience Franz, select the Books category. After the search completes scroll down past the old versions of the book to the new one, no pic at this time, but you can order it at $25.99 and it will ship in a day or two when it is available. This is for the paperback version.
The hard cover version is $34.99 at Amazon.
This is very good news and it was nice to hear from the copyright holder.
She has made a lot of extra work for herself and no doubt, she has her reasons for this. She also sounds like she wanted this book to come on the market with a Big Bang and has made efforts to get it published and distributed as wildly as possible.
She has used her own conscience in deciding to alter the original version, I hope we can still stand by this book and give it our highest recommendations.
Kim and Mike, it was a great honor that she chose you guys to make this announcement public and a great testimony to the two of you by someone who was greatly respected by the Franz's.
This is very wonderful news. Can't wait to get a new copy of it! I gave my original copy to a woman who was on the fence for years whether to become a JW or not. After she read it she told them to never call on her again. So it really did help save someone from the clutches of the cult. My only problem is accepting Mike and Kim. They are a little over the edge. Watching them is like watching some third rate cornball comedy.