by Newly Enlightened 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wizzstick

    Why not simply republish the book?

    For the reason Debra outlined in the video.

    She now needs time to grieve her husband.

  • steve2

    What Ray Franz would or would not have "wanted" is not the issue here, SBF. We will always be able to find "something" about how his work is treated that could lead to disquiet.

    The fact is, Ray and Cynthia gave Debra Dykstra copyright control of Commentary Press, including its publications.

    As any good lawyer will say, When it comes to our 'last will and testament' we never have complete control over what eventually happens to our possessions, including our intellectual property. The most we can do is make it clear what we do not want to happen - and even then, if it is a step removed from a bequest, control is debatable.

    Just as JW organization favourably quoted non-JW spokespeople from all walks of life, including different religious groups, if the spokespeople appeared to support a particular JW view, so too did Ray - especially on religious freedom and tolerance.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Kim and Mike this, Kim and Mike that...John Cedars this, John Cedars that...Debra Dykstra this, Debra Dykstra that!

    As the late Rodney King once said/asked: "Can we now just get along?":)

  • slimboyfat

    Fair enough that what Ray Franz would have wanted is not the final word.

    From a reader's perspective however, the addition of an introduction from a Trinitarian, the great crowd booklet, and single pages from ISofCF in the appendix was not worth waiting 5 plus years. Was there some sort of misunderstanding that a new edition needed to be produced before it could be republished? I think the majority of people just wanted to read the original book as quickly as possible.

  • dubstepped

    I totally agree with slimboyfat and my wife said the same but in the end what's done is done and we can be happy to have what we have. It seems strange to delay it for so long to insert her own story into it along with other choices but it was still out there on the interwebs, as it should have been if her choice was to delay for unnecessary reasons. What's done is done, most everyone got what they wanted, and it's time to move on.

  • Finkelstein

    From a reader's perspective however, the addition of an introduction from a Trinitarian, the great crowd booklet, and single pages from ISofCF in the appendix was not worth waiting 5 plus years.

    I would agree with what Slim said.

    Was this just an endeavoring attempt by the publishing company to created more of an attraction to the original book, thereby justifying the price ?

    trinitarian theology wasn't needed or necessary to show the faults of the WTS doctrines.

    Simply put date setting such as 1874, 1914 is apostasy against the bible itself and the words of Jesus Christ.

    I wish Ray would have pointed that out more in his book.

  • AbusedandPissed

    I don't think anyone really thinks what Shakespear would have wanted when they are publishing a collection of his work. Granted probably not copyrighted but still.

  • steve2

    Kim and Mike this, Kim and Mike that...John Cedars this, John Cedars that...Debra Dykstra this, Debra Dykstra that!

    As the late Rodney King once said/asked: "Can we now just get along?":smile:

    Everyone has a point of view and a need to be accurately heard. My impression is that the "ability" to get along is best attained in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect. Sometimes the line is crossed and for some there is no coming back - and that's okay. Besides, unless you're in the Impression Management service (as JW organization is), it is perfectly okay for people to clarify and/or challenge what was or was not said.

  • recovering

    What many do not realize is the publishing company may well have wanted new material to be included in the book. Why you ask ? It has to do with copyright issues. Copyrights expire after a certain amount of time. However if there is new additional content in an addition it can extend the copyright.

  • freddo

    Top Marks, I say!

    I have the 4th edition (2008) and I welcome this new one with its foreword and additional content. On the basis that Ray Franz's work is unchanged we can read that and choose what other content to analyse too.

    I never knew about Jon A. Mitchell - secretary to the GB in 1980/1981 - his knowledge of the "lock down" at Brooklyn after Ray Franz left sounds interesting.

    Also Deborah Dykstra's association with the Ray and Cynthia and her account will be interesting too - they must have trusted her and it looks as if all has come through.

    The foreword by David Henke may not interest me but it may well open this up to a wider audience.

    The additions may well help this telling of events of nearly 40 years ago (and of course Ray discussed the "original" generation change in 1995 although he had passed away before being able to write about the "Overlapping" craziness) become more relevant.

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