Last night I went with a friend to a bible study promoted by his non-denominational church.
From time to time, some of the church will get together for a few weeks in someones home and have a study. This one was six weeks long, and certainly was not manditory.
I entered the home, and instantly had flashbacks to book studies. Chairs were set out, but there was joy in the air. People laughing, having fun. No one in suits or dresses. Some in jeans, some in shorts. I met some men in the living room, all instantly likeable. Smells of food was coming from the rear of the house, in the kitchen. After a few minutes, we went to the back, and a complete dinner was waiting for everyone.
Small talk continued in the back, and again, everyone friendly.
Finished eating, and went back to the living room. We all sat down, some even on the floor, relaxing. The host then started with a prayer, and we looked briefly at a study book. Much like something from school.
We are used to one conductor, a reader, and then we would answer the questions from the paragraph. Here, everyones input was welcomed. People just talked, without raising hands. The study article asked for personal experiences on the subject, most gave some example of what happened to them. Very light, and enjoyable.
After about 15 minutes, then we watched a video that matched to study article. More comments followed, and then finished with the host asking if there were any prayer requests. There was a couple, including me, even though it was aqward, I asked that they pray for my son who was involved in this cult.
A few people, including women, said a closing prayer, and even included my son. Turns out, that one couple there that prayed for my son, was actually the pastor of the whole church! I was suprised that he was not running the show. But my friend explained that it wasn't all about that. This was the hosts home, and he did it. No one was trying to out do the other.
Of the 5 men there, 3 of them, including the pastor, wore ...gasp... goatees. One guy was a Harley Davidson long haired guy who actually runs the music department at church. They all were genuine in their attitude towards one another, and in their love for God and Christ. Didn't matter how you looked or dressed. Non judgemental.
It was really refreshing when compared to the Kingdom Hall.
Get this. You know how the WTS does not want you to be friends with anyone "worldly." Well, this video taught that we should have friends that are non Christians. They looked at it at a great way to bring others to Christ. Never was it mentioned that you might fall into the sins of the friend. Total different take from what the WTS teaches.
Anyways, it was a neat experience, and like I said above, very refreshing.