Different type of bible study

by freedom96 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Well.....if you guys don't mind a heathen bastard commenting on this thread......I'd like to say something possitive here

    When I left dubdom I was a christian for about 7 years or so afterward. I attended BSF.(bible study fellowship) It was the nicest, most informative study I had ever done on the bible. A lecture was given....then you were dismissed to your "group" of about 10-20. Then it was like a watchtower study. Questions were asked, and anyone was free to comment, but your comment was never critisized but rathered "shared". There was no dress code there either yet people were very respectful in how they dressed. There was only an opening song and a closing one....no band, no hoopla, no....'other stuff"....just bible study. An assignment of questions to be covered next week was given out and so there was a bit of studying to do during the week. I enjoyed that more than I did attending normal church services...........too much "other stuff" than I wanted.

    Gumby........( who was not sarcastic in this post)

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