Revising History

by no-zombie 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • no-zombie

    While I'm aware of WT books being revised without noting the differences on newer editions (the Truth book is a classic example of this) ... is there evidence of the writing committee revising the online versions of WT articles, as compared to the printed editions?

    If there is a previous thread on this topic, just link it ... as these is no need to reinvent the wheel.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    This topic has come up several times. Yes, there are instances where the WTBTS directed destroying unbundled Watchtowers in JW libraries in favor of the bundled versions. This controversy has been the case since the Watchtower Library came out on CDROM, despite having the capacity to hold all articles going back a century, they intentionally did not put in anything referencing 1975 and the various books, Truth, Everlasting Life, Knowledge have been revised multiple times both in print, on CD and online. Many of the older books have since been completely removed online and were directed destroyed from JW personal libraries.

    There was at some point someone who decoded the proprietary format the WTBTS made the CDs in, so you should be able to get the CDROM from year to year and compare them with some code to see all the changes that are made to the historical documents.

    I know they did it for the “Evolution” book, because they were getting sued for misquoting a pre-eminent scholar (I think they did the same to atheist Richard Dawkins later on, making it seem like he is arguing for a god)

    The 1989 Watchtower used the term "in our 20th century" in the magazine, but this was changed to "in our day" for the bound volume and subsequent CD library.

  • Phizzy

    They also did it with revising in the Bound Volumes of the Magazines what was said in the original Edition. For many years I had a Copy of one of the original Mags, and the appropriate Bound Volume.

    The change they had made was subtle to a degree, in that the ordinary "Publisher" would not have noticed, but they changed embarrassing statements in the original, for the version that they Bound , that takes EFFORT ! a new Print Run for one Magazine, to hide what they had originally said, and had sold, as "truth" to the J.W's and Public alike.

    In the end I got rid of old Bound Volumes and Mags, but it confirmed to me just HOW devious those Liars are !

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    is there evidence of the writing committee revising the online versions of WT articles, as compared to the printed editions?

    Yes see my comment on today's WT study under disfellowshipping. Set 2024 WT Page 10 paragraph 7 paper copy v digital copy.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I guess this is why I still have boxes of JW publications stored on a shelf in my garage. Most of my old Watchtower Library went into a bonfire. But these boxes contain things like the "original" Truth Book and Live Forever book. The "you will not get old in this system" Awake! magazine. The 1914 Will Never Die Watchtower. These cannot be "revised". They are not photoshopped by apostates. They are the hard proof of WT false prophecies.

  • LeeMerk

    Information control at it's best. Nevermind, so many people made life changing decisions based on what was in print (only to see those words changed or deleted). This is my biggest gripe with the Watchtower. Information control.

  • Ron.W.

    I heard two elders talking about 'present truth' and 'current truth' - how I hate those jw expressions!

  • NotFormer

    "I heard two elders talking about 'present truth' and 'current truth'"

    Do they ever talk about absolute truth? For people who believe that there is something called "The Truth", they've got a pretty fluid attitude towards the subject.

  • blondie

    I found many references to "present truth" as far back as Russell's time but none saying "current truth" not that elders might independently use that phrase.

    Revelation book chapter 1 p8 (on most recent WOL online)

    An even stronger reason for publishing this book is the need to keep up-to-date with present truth. Jehovah is continually shedding greater light on the meaning of his Word, and we can expect that our understanding of Revelation, along with other prophecies, will be sharpened as we draw closer to the great tribulation. (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 7:14) It is important that we be well informed. As the apostle Peter wrote concerning divine prophecy: “You are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts.”​—2 Peter 1:19.

  • DesirousOfChange
    "I heard two elders talking about 'present truth' and 'current truth'"

    It was The Truth™ we needed at that particular time.

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