Am I correct where one of the gb stated that 'watchtower has no influence on me' or some such.?
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
compound complex
G. Loesch, in some courtroom proceeding, stated he was not answerable to the Watch Tower Corporation, a legal entity. From sometime back there was a separation made between the corporate and the spiritual bodies.
I'm sure another poster can find the exact quotation. My 2 cents is a scant memory of what I had read.
GB members or even past presidents of the WTS have been known to talk from both sides of their mouths.
The reason the WTS's credibility was never strong within the Christian mainstream of faiths is because its core doctrines were never strongly backed from a theological position. They still promote that Jesus took his heavenly throne in 1914 and that mankind is living in the last days or This Generation years.
It was an alluring doctrine to be sure but has weaken the overall credibility of the organization over time for obvious reasons.