A Question for all those who DO live in the US...or anyone else

by Xena 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Add a little and you are forgiven (lol I never was pissed but I want to get some tongue )

  • Rosco

    I live in America. I could without a doubt live in one of the major Cities of China.I loved it there, the people are just beautiful. I will be going back for 2 weeks in 2004. Great trip. Granted I was in Bejing where it is very Westernized and modern.

  • imallgrowedup

    I think I could live anywhere if I had to. I can't say I'd be too comfortable in the mid-east or the jungles of Africa, but I could do it if I had to - and I wouldn't piss and moan about how rotten the government was, unless I was willing to do something about it.

    That said, with all it's faults and discontented people, I prefer to live in the loving arms of the USA. And if I got to wanting the USA to get it's mitts off me, I would use my energy to leave, or to affect positive change - because I can!


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Add a little and you are forgiven (lol I never was pissed but I want to get some tongue

    anywhere you want it baby

    I'm such a damn slut aren't I?

  • Vivamus

    Ohh please! Everyone knows HOLLAND is the nest place to live. Stop kidding yourselves you crazy Americans. HOLLAND has the best things of everything.

    Booyah! *smugly lights up another smoke*


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Xena

    Stacy you little heathen are you wasting posts flirting with me when you could be bashing heads on political threads???? *sigh* you DO love me don't you???

    Damn you Viv stop taunting us poor Merkins with how superior your country is to ours! You know we only say we are the best because we have low self esteem and secretly consider ourselves inferior

    I agree imallgrowedup if you have issues with where you live why not try and effect change instead of just complaining about it?

  • shamus

    I love Canada, eh! So there!

    America is not that bad... there are bad parts, and if you grew up there, there should be no real particular reason to want to leave... it's very unfortunate how America views other ppl and visa-versa.. the people down there are nice, but my god, the politics! They need to never get another red-neck in office...

  • CoonDawg

    Canada's too damned cold. My wife and I bandy about the idea of retiring to another country where the value of our dollars would be increased, the land cheap, the government relatively stable, and the climate a joy. At the moment it's just talk. Of course, we've also talked of retiring to the N. Georgia mountains or to central South Carolina. Who knows. I figure we have the next 10 to 12 years to make up our minds.

    I have a friend who lives in Guatemala and he is doing very well there. He's adapted brilliantly and is flourishing. I think I may have to go visit.


  • czarofmischief

    I need beer and cloudy weather.

    Other than that, I'm fine anywhere.

    Sobriety and sunshine give me headaches.


  • freedom96

    I do feel that I could live in other countries and be happy. If I had to. It would have to be a country where I could live the same style as here. In other words, I would not be happy in a third world country.

    I do look forward to visiting many places on this earth, but I know I will enjoy coming home. I love southern California.

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