I wouldn’t put it past Watchtower to have an article extolling the virtues of carting and to have an ‘artist conception’ of Paul and Timothy in the marketplace with a first century cart.
Cart work faces headwinds.
by lastmanstanding 68 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Doubting Bro
Where I live, the cart work is very much alive. The local congregation has a schedule posted on the "information board" that shows the times and individuals assigned. One is set up near the courthouse where there is some foot traffic and the other is set up at the local train station. They also participate in a metro plan where they set the cart up in populated areas.
Most JWs I know love the carts. It's super easy time. You stand or sit around, drink coffee and occasionally talk to people. If I were still going in FS, I'd be spending the bulk of my hours doing that instead of knocking on doors.
Doubting Bro
lastmanstanding - that's hilarious!!! Didn't they have something in a drama where a 1st century elder was reviewing the congregation's publisher record cards? I wouldn't put it past them.
Me thinks you’re right. I recall something like that.
But I got the idea from the devil’s drawing in a past WT article that had 1st cent christians going door to door with a bag of scrolls.
Haha... I thought, like everyone has scrolls. And Ferrari’s too.
Doubting Bro - "Didn't they have something in a drama where a 1st century elder was reviewing the congregation's publisher record cards?"
Are you... serious?
Even back when I was in (which wasn't all that long ago), the idea that the First-Century Christians did things like present-day JWs was ludicrous.
In fact, realizing that was one of my little wake-up moments.
HiddlesWife5 hours ago
LMS=> I was told that in NYC and NJI live in NJ and am in NYC often enough.
The Carts are EVERYWHERE! Very annoying!
I cant understand why someone would think they are not being uses a lot?
When I was in NY, year before last, the carts were out, so I’m not surprised to hear that nothings changed.
But there are definitely some communities that are fed up with the carts and there are dubs who are tired of it already.
I see JW carts most week days set up in a deserted park adjacent to a beach in SW Ontario. There's a parking lot separating the park from the beach so most people drive by the carts without seeing them. I stopped to say hello a few days back and today when I rode my bicycle past them they waved, but on my way back they were too busy with their tablets to even see me go by. -
Beth Sarim
''I live in NJ and am in NYC often enough.
The Carts are EVERYWHERE! Very annoying!''
They often loiter around in lobbies and train station even standing around in areas beside sporting venues. Weird. Getting weirder all the time.
Vendor fees and liability insurance - the two biggest obstacles to cart "witnessing"
If carts are visible in your community, it is an indication that the JWs in your area have the money to engage in advertising for the cult
No carts means that the JWs are poor/tight. Or that Sophia's piggy bank is empty