Cart work faces headwinds.
by lastmanstanding 68 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The whole idea is getting a bit old. I think JWs are thoroughly fed up with the whole thing. It’s a lot more pointless and depressing than door to door work. If you’ve not even got an interesting partner to chat with on the carts it must be excruciating.
ttdtt, it very much depends on where you are fortunate (or unfortunate, as the case may be) to live. I’d say that large metropolitan cities probably have a “storehouse” of concentrated JWs who do cart work but that is less likely (or concentrated) in smaller cities or towns. I just never see them in smaller towns and villages in the lower half of the North Island of New Zealand - and I get around in my work. Oh, I saw them more frequently in smaller cities a few years ago - but not now - and as you can imagine, I’m a keen observer! 😜
How it started out was that in each city in all of the big citys all the jws from that city and around that city were ment to go and man the carts in that big city for 10 hours a day but each jw doing shifts of 3 or 4 hours a time
Beth Sarim
Yeah pretty much passers by just do that, is pass by. They may be prudishly just standing there idly but they might as well not even be there, that's the attention these carts get from people walking along.
Cart work is the JW equivalent of an elitist sport, you have to qualify to be worthy enough to do it. The idea of cart work as a replacement for d2d doesn't fly unless everyone in the cong has a cart and that just ain't gonna happen ever.
My theory about the carts is that the GB introduced them as a new carrot to dangle, an outward tangible show of "change" to boost moral and to convince the mindless masses that the chariot is indeed moving forward innovating new preaching methods etc etc blah blah.
But, in reality the cart work is just meant to be a distraction from the fact that they are changing the way they exist as a religion in such a major way that they now will freak people out and they do not want to spook the people too much before the new WT is complete and will is gradually revealed.
I kinda think along the same lines. They changed for the sake of change. They are dying and the “DO SOMETHING” adrenaline has kicked in. They wanted to change the scenery to make it appear that the glorious heavenly cart of Jah is moving..... >
In the end, I don’t know how anyone could do the cart work without feeling like a freaking street beggar.
Just a thought... I challenge the posters with a good grasp of photo editing to take a pic of street beggars and shove in a literature cart LOL
@sparrow and last man; I agree as well. Something was needed to create a bit of excitement, and the feeling of forward motion.
Pretty pathetic that you have to be one of the "special ones" to man a cart, but it sure created five minutes of excitement in the beginning. Now it appears almost anyone can do it (although I'm sure you still have to be "approved") because the shine is sure off that new toy.
Back when I was still in, if you had to be approved for a new "privilege" and only the "special, spiritual sisters need apply" I would immediately lose interest. I quit trying to be special long before I quit altogether.
I'm guessing they are just transitioning to be the one thing they used to swear they would never be: a ridiculous, money grabbing mega church you can watch on TV.
If you’ve not even got an interesting partner to chat with on the carts it must be excruciating
I've yet to see a cart manned by just one person. All I've seen are 2, 3, and more on up.
Got any evidence for "JWs are thoroughly fed up with the whole thing"?
Beth Sarim
''I've yet to see a cart manned by just one person. All I've seen are 2, 3, and more on up.
Got any evidence for "JWs are thoroughly fed up with the whole thing"?''
Exactly. It's like they're 'tightening their grip'' on the carts to. It seems like on youtube videos when a 'crasher' like Stuart comes around you see the cart attendees texting on their phones to a nearby Eldub or something. Within moments an Eldub comes along or they pack up and leave the area shortly after.
They ramping-up their persecution complex, it's evident when you see things like this.