Tony Morris has those dead soulless eyes of a psychopath and his smarm-bucket voice makes my skin crawl.
Governing Body Anthony Morris gives talk at convention. Child refuses blood dies
by Watchtower-Free 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes, because everyone knows that Doctors and specialists are actually HEARTLESS CRUEL people who want to HURT their patients.
They don't want to HELP. NO They are the epitome of PERSECUTING, EVIL agents of the devil....
How dare they try and SAVE Josh's life!
I agree with Sparrowdown - Anthony Morris is either a psychopath or a sociopath- probably both.
A couple years ago Morris bragged in a talk about how HE would be better prepared to handle people dying at " Armageddon's battlefield " than most JW's due to his military service in Vietnam before becoming a JW. So the guy was NUMB to death even before he became a JW - so you can imagine how little he values the sanctity of life NOW after being indoctrinated for years as a JW.
Yeah, let's see him pull the plug on his own children or grandchildren and not give THEM blood transfusions if needed ! This man's nothing but a criminal who happens to be a cult leader with 8 other mind controlled unethical , inhumane freaks
Many of us here have hoped for and imagined a time when the WT leadership would attempt to distance themselves from this death dealing doctrine. They tried to introduce some flexibility with it in the year 2000 when accepting blood fractions became a matter of personal decision and conscience.
Over the years we have speculated that a time would come when the GB would turn the entire subject over to being a personal matter. This would let individuals decide for themselves in whatever way their conscience moved them. It would put an end to the anguish families have to endure when a blood emergency occurs and also end the very negative publicity in the media that turns potential converts away.
My observations over recent years and comments printed in study articles clearly show that this scenario is not likely to happen at any time soon. On Friday afternoon of the 2016 convention the character Sergei is shown taking a stand and refusing blood for his operation.
It would seem that the leniency on blood has gone as far as it will go. Whole blood or its primary four components
(plasma, red cells, white cells, and platelets) are not becoming available in the foreseeable future.
Very sad indeed!!!
Whatever the circumstances of some one passing away this remains clear the GB will never evr have to face the loss of a child this way as they don't have kids!
Some do Morris does for example
The Awake! article that Anthony Morris based his "blood transfusion" death story on. The rest of the article can be read here: