So, it seems as if May's calling of this election seriously backfired.
Just a few notes ...
In the days and weeks leading up to yesterday, I saw Labour supporters and activists several times in my town centre, handing out leaflets. I didn't see any Tory activists once. Not once.
The Tory campaign was woeful, one of the worst I've seen (although I haven't seen loads and loads of campaigns).
All politicians have a tendency to say what the voter wants to hear but I think the Tories are the worst at this. May and her colleagues have learnt to say what most people think most of the time.
Corbyn, despite what I've said about him, at least has convictions and sincerely-held beliefs. I think a lot of his beliefs are deluded and dangerous but at least he sticks to them. I have to, if not respect, then acknowledge that. He also made an effort to reach out to the youth vote. It's always hilarious watching politicians press the flesh and reach out - and Corbyn hugging and fist-bumping grime rappers was no exception.
"My name's Jezza. Just wanna big up the Brixton Massive. So, I can count on your vote, yeah? Cool - respec' bruv ... innit"
But he gets top marks for trying and going out of his comfort zone. Theresa May scores nothing here - no marks, 0%, nada, nichts.
I still think the prospect of Corbyn as PM is a genuine concern - most of his fans are either too young to remember the IRA and Falklands, or are of the hard left. The hard left excuses the worst possible behaviour and attitudes, as long as their cause is advanced.
It'll be interesting to see what happens from here ...