Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017

by freddo 167 Replies latest social current

  • slimboyfat

    Scotland voted No on the basis of UK in the EU.

    Interesting that Scotland's referendum allowed all residents a vote. And a majority of Scots born in Scotland voted for independence. The No vote was secured from a majority of English and European voters. How will Europeans vote next time?

    By contrast the European referendum excluded long term residents from Europe, some who have lived in the country for decades. What would have been the result if all residents including Europeans had been allowed to vote?

    Another difference is 16 and 17 year olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish referendum.

  • cofty
    Another difference is 16 and 17 year olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish referendum

    That was cynical. That lot think Braveheart was a documentary. Not old enough to buy fags.

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    I think there is a legitimate argument for allowing another Scottish referendum.

    I also think that people in power are worried how history will remember them so by going to the polls with a clear manifesto this will allow the victor (T. May... unless something strange happens again) to claim they were doing the will of the people regardless of outcome in future years; the pledges and promises given during the referendum for EU membership were not given by the current PM...

    I also think that people should only become eligible to vote after working for 2 years i.e. get a bit of worldly experience outside of "safe spaces" and other cossetting influences.

  • cofty
    Scotland voted No on the basis of UK in the EU.
    That was never part of the referendum. It's a pathetic excuse.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Scotland voted No on the basis of UK in the EU - here's the problem with this issue in Scotland:

    Scotland had already narrowly voted to remain in the UK.

    Then came the EU referendum.

    Scots, like other UK citizens, were asked if the UK should stay in the EU or leave.

    They were not asked if Scotland should stay in the EU or leave.

    So, the 5 million Scottish votes asking to stay in the EU are correctly cancelled out by the majority of UK citizens who voted for the UK to leave the EU.

    When you consider this, Scotland doesn't really need another referendum on remaining in or leaving the UK, at least not for some time.

    As Cofty says, the SNP should get on with the job of governing Scotland.

  • Fairlane

    The Scottish referendum on independence was not conducted without argument and statements of outcomes, i remember it well. The anti independance argument included the view that in order to maintain eu membership voters were encouraged to vote no to independence. The feeling being at the time was that the rest of the uk would remain part of eu,whereas if Scotland gained independence the country (Scotland ) would have insurmountable difficulty in gaining entrance to things quickly reversed presumption is indeed presumptuous.

  • StephenMyers

    Well I am voting for Corbyn despite him not being popular, he talks a lot about affordable housing, employment law, he wants to do something about zero hours contracts and agency work.

    Big business and wealthy landlords are taking advantage of the next generation who are on low wages.

    At least Corbyn is talking about these issues.

  • Giles Gray
    Giles Gray

    So Scotland will vote in the UK General Election.

    Then they hold a referendum and could vote to leave the UK.

    So if Scotland leaves and I don't like the result of the General Election can I protest to have another election after they have gone?

    What a mess.

  • Fairlane

    @giles gray...yes you can protest accumulate 100,000 signatures by means of petition and the government has to give you a hearing.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i hope if there is to be another referendum on scotland going independant---that everyone in the UK gets the vote. the Scottish pro-independance guys may well get their wish !

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