Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017

by freddo 167 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    One thing we can be certain of - all the usual Scottish celebrities will come out to support Scottish independence ... before going back to their permanent homes abroad.

    Scotland is a beautiful part of the UK, but it's not really viable as a country in it's own right that could keep the same level of infrastructure spending as it currently enjoys. It's subsidized by the rest of the UK and the plan seems to be to instead be subsidized by Europe.

    I think those days are gone and the system is crumbling - it's coming to an end so planning your future to be dependent on it is foolish. If Scotland think they get a raw deal because the economy of the UK revolves more around England and London, wait until they are an even far-flung and minor player in a bigger pond. Greece suffers because what is best for the economies of France and Germany isn't best for them ... that would be Scotlands future. Just like Euro technocrats want to "own" large swathes of Greece now they have ruined it financially, they would want to own large parts of Scotland as well.

    It is very scenic after all.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    If the majority of Scots vote to remain within the UK again, will the SNP get the hint and drop this issue?

  • slimboyfat

    Scotland has been a net contributor to the UK for most of the last 40 years.

    Why on earth would Scotland be any less "viable" than Denmark, Belgium, Ireland... and other similarl sized countries?

    Scotland currently has a large deficit and no oil fund... as a result of being in the UK. The way to improve the situation is to govern ourselves and make better choices than those made on our behalf. We won't solve problems created under the union by remaining in the union.

    Whether Scotland leaves or remains in the UK it needs to make its own way in the world. Unionists seem to live In fantasy world where England is going to send free money to Scotland when the oil runs out. Fact is that the UK has net benefitted from Scotland for decades. They will not be eager to begin subsidising Scotland as the oil runs down.

    Scotland needs to develop its economy no matter what. Staying in the union and asking for handouts is not an economic plan.

    Scotland has huge resources ans potential and could be a very successful small country.

  • snugglebunny
    If the majority of Scots vote to remain within the UK again, will the SNP get the hint and drop this issue?

    No. Independence is all that drives Nicola Sturgeon, some say at the expense of other important issues.

  • Fairlane

    Is it just possible that the Scottish first minister, whose job (by democratic election )is to do the best for the people of Scotland, would rather work towards the aim of making Scotland stand and thrive on its own two feet rather than the country be at the begging bowl. Who would not want to help a beggar who is striving to be self sufficient. Why does the Westminster government in the main want to keep this ' beggar'.

  • Ruby456

    Financially we were going downhill fast before we joined the European Union. I think we may return to that state of affairs - that is at least a strong possibility

  • Phizzy

    As for Scotland, i found this on a Government Site :

    Current Budget Balance 2015-16

    This is the difference between total revenue and current expenditure (i.e. excluding capital investment). The current budget balance:

    Excluding North Sea revenue, was a deficit of £12.7 billion (8.6 per cent of GDP).

    Including an illustrative geographic share of North Sea revenue, was a deficit of £12.6 billion (8.1 per cent of GDP).

    If they leave the U.K, how are the Scots going to balance the books ?

  • Fairlane

    @phizzy...Scotland would work towards clearing the deficit as other countries do, as indeed the uk is trying to do. Scotland is not devoid of resources and talented people , the world has benefited immeasurably from the input, innovation,invention in the fields of medicine, engineering, communications, art , architecture by scots. Im not decrying others but on the world stage Scotland and scotshave punched well beyond its weight for a country of 5 million or so inhabitants. I also take the view that there are those who even if convinced that Scotland would prosper, would still doggedly be anti .there are factions in certain organisations who cannot see past the union jack !

  • cofty
    Scotland would work towards clearing the deficit as other countries do

    No sign of any effort in that direction so far. Freebies galore north of the border.

    Holyrood has extensive powers. Sturgeon cares only about her nationalistic ideology.

  • Ruby456

    has seen our unsecured debt figures - staggering - wages capped, benefits capped, pensions capped - how will this debt be repaid?

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