Remember Those in Full-Time Service (1945 - 2015)

by jwleaks 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwleaks

    The Saddest Story Ever Told

    Do you remember the two Jehovah's Witness characters, John Alden (20) and Eunice Rogers (18), from the 1941 book Children published by Watchtower and written by J F Rutherford?

    Despite being childhood sweethearts, in the year 1941 they decided to postpone marriage and remain single and childless in this system so as to put the THE THEOCRACY first, albeit under the control of the Watch Tower Society.

    In the final pages of the Children book John and Eunice walk silently through the fields and stop by a great tree on the river bank where they had sometime before discussed their future plans. The young lovers seat themselves down and look over the landscape. John turns to Eunice.

    "We have walked through these broad fields many times, during our childhood days. But today these fields mean much more to us than ever before. They belong to the Lord, and He will beautify them for his children. Armageddon is surely near, and during that time the Lord will clean off the earth everything that offends and is disagreeable. Then, by His grace, we shall begin our life with a greater vision and prolonged oy. Now we see by faith the great THEOCRACY, and we are wholly and unreservedly committed to that righteous government. From now on we shall journey for ever together in the earth. Our hope is that within a few years our marriage may be consummated and, by the Lord's grace, we shall have sweet children that will be an honor to the Lord. We can well defer our marriage until lasting peace comes to the earth. Now we must add nothing to our burdens, but be free and equipped to serve the Lord. When THE THEOCRACY is in full sway it will not be burdensome to have a family. Then we may often walk through these broad fields, amidst the beautiful forests and environments, and will walk with our beloved children by our side and tell them all we have to learn from the Lord, and together we shall all be quick to obey our Leader and our King, Christ Jesus."

    "I recall, John dear, that your father will be asking you for your decision as to the future and what you shall do."

    "Eunice, my decision is made. I shall shun politics, religion, and commerce, and I shall avoid the cities and the enticements thereof. We are both committed for ever to THE THEOCRACY. Our present duty is plain. We must now be witnesses to the name of Jehovah and to his kingdom. Our place of residence we can continue with our parents as long as it is God's will to have it so, and we shall engage in the service of the Lord by carrying his message of his name and kingdom to others who are hungering for righteousness. We shall, by God's grace, be forever the children of the great King, and our children shall be forever with us, subjects of the kingdom. We have found refuge in Christ and we shall abide here until the blessed time when we may have part in fulfilling the divine mandate. We shall not see each other very often for a time, but we can have like thoughts every day of the glorious prospect that is set before us. I suggest that our first thought on awakening each morning be expressed by repeating these words of the psalmist : "Bless the Lord, O my soul : and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.'-Psalm : 1, 2."

    To this young man and young woman all the environments now appeared more beautiful. The birds in the trees seemed to be singing the praises of Jehovah and His King. So, hand in hand, they joined heir voices with them in song and gave thanks to God for His manifold blessings bestowed upon them.

    Evidently Armageddon wasn't as near as Jehovah's Witnesses believed.

    John Alden (24) and Eunice Rogers (22) in 1945

    John Alden (94) and Eunice Rogers (92) in 2015

    Remember Those in Full-Time Service


    That is very sobering. Are they married in the second picture? You could add the scripture about those forbidding to marry. 


  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    Damn shame
  • DesirousOfChange

    I have my mother's copy of the Children Book that she received at the convention in St Louis. Most JWs don't even have any knowledge regarding the fact that both getting married and having children were discouraged. To do so was seen as a selfish lack of faith. 

    Just more of the Millions then living who are already dead.

    Or, Millions Now Dead, Will Never Live a productive life..


  • millie210
    Were they actual people or invented ones?
  • KateWild

    I think more sisters stayed single for WT, I know of a few in my old cong. Very sad indeed.

    Kate xx

  • sir82

    The sad thing is, I knew a old-time Rutherford era JW who remained single all his life, due to published malarkey such as this.

    Apparently his mother, on her deathbed, made all her children promise to never marry "in this system of things". Armageddon was sop close, you see. This was in the 1930's.

    And none of the siblings ever did marry.

    He was the last of them. 90+ years old when I last saw him, he's got to be dead by now (but he was such a tough old coot, he might still be alive & kicking). To his credit, he never really seemed bitter about it.

    But one of the saddest moments I can recall in all my life is when he showed to my wife & me a tattered 70 year old photo of his sweetheart, whom he never married, due to his mother's deathbed injunction, based on the whims of old Joe Ratherflawed.

    How many hundreds or thousands of 1940's JWs altered their lives for a fraud and a lie? How many thousands, or millions, continue to do so?

  • konceptual99

    I am not sure that many single sisters have done so deliberately for the WT.  There is such a low ratio of men to women that many have simply been unable to find a partner.  Singleness for the sake of the WT is simply the net result of not enough blokes to go round.

  • blondie
    Not only did they strongly discourage marriage, they strongly discouraged already married jws from having children pointing to the "fact" that Noah's sons and daughter-in-laws had none until after the flood...thus not having children until after Armageddon.  Many jws had children anyway and the WTS had new light on that point.  One couple had six children and were the talk of the circuit for having disobeyed.  All of their children became elders, cos, dos, and bethelites.  The circuit would have been short a few great ones.
  • blondie

    In 1941 the Watchtower said that the followers were in the “remaining months before Armageddon.” (w41 9/15 p.288) The lead up to this period specifically warned it would be inappropriate to marry and have children.

    “Would it be Scripturally proper for them to now marry and to begin to rear children? No, is the answer, which is supported by the Scripture . Those Jonadabs who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone…” Face the Facts (1938) pp.46-50

    “…mark the words of Jesus, which definitely seem to discourage the bearing of children immediately before or during Armageddon.” Watchtower 1938 Nov 1 p.324

    “Should men and women, both of whom are Jonadabs or “other sheep” of the Lord, now marry before Armageddon and bring forth children? They may chose to do so, but the admonition or advice of the scriptures appears to be against it.” Children (1941) 3,000,000 ed. pp.312-313

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