People will defiantly rebel against local, state and federal government if people’s rights are abused. We are already seeing signs of people doing this.
Do You Feel Your Rights Are Being Trampled On By Government Regarding Coronavirus?
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
I would rather die standing up for myself, than live kneeling for the government!
Is this a trick question????
Of course they are. They have taken a page out of Hitler's play book and are using it against the unsuspecting population that has been conditioned to not think for themselves, and they have succeeded so far.
Good thing there are many that have their critical thinking abilities still in play otherwise we would be doomed for complete takeover with this mind Fng.
They have taken a page out of Hitler's play book and are using it against the unsuspecting population
NotNew ...
Yes, they are the same people that don't believe what happened in Roswell NM in 1947. The sheeple never learn.
Rub a Dub
Well folks what would you do if you knew of virus that can make people very sick and even kill and it was transferred by being in close contact with other people strangers or family ?
Much of the problems that has occurred with this virus is that the Chinese government relaying information to the WHO that China had control of the virus within their own country , the WHO then relayed that information to other countries around the world. China did not have control over the virus and knew that anyone who was within the area of Wuhan could have picked up the virus and brought it back to their homeland.
The WHO stupidly took China for its word, not realizing this government is corrupt and secretive to damaging information about events which happen and occur within their country.
.......Good old Communism
Thousands of people died because of this slip up by the WHO for many countries were late to react from its information which was tainted and misleading by the Chinese government..