There is no doubt that increasing turmoil due to overpopulation,. pandemics and mass immigration will be used to cut down freedom rights all over the West. Just like the rights of Tommy Robertson in the UK (where the little man has always been downtrodden) are totally squashed in the name of keeping public order. It is what it is .
Do You Feel Your Rights Are Being Trampled On By Government Regarding Coronavirus?
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe not yet, but it can certainly get that way if this lockdown/quarantine continues!
Interesting question.
- The short answer is: Yes, absolutely.
- The longer answer is: It's complicated, but still: Yes, possibly.
Minimus, I know you know what recently happened in Hungary when—on March 30th, 2020—the Prime Minister, Orbán Viktor, seized absolute power and essentially turned Hungary into a autocratic dictatorship overnight.
Here's a link to a thread I started on that and on which you commented:
Orbán did what tyrants always do, they use any opportunity that arises to grab more power. In this case it was the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here's also an on-topic case that's currently happening here in the United States:
A US appeals court ruled this week that Texas could prevent physicians from performing abortions because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In their ruling, the judges leaned heavily on a 1905 Supreme Court decision against a Massachusetts man who had refused vaccination during a smallpox outbreak (see Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 1905).
Students of history are always wary of situations like this because we know that people in power who are so inclined have often used them as opportunities to seize even more power as they take away individual rights.
I'm not saying that it will happen, only that it has happened many times in the past, and it certainly could happen again, anywhere.
Don't think it can't happen here. It can.
I’m a respiratory nurse on the front line. I have been for over 20 years and have an immune system of iron. Just. stay. home.
WT. Wiz- “rolling my eyes”
I may be one of the first one in harm’s way but the solitude of not dealing with idiots...priceless.
No, I do not believe our rights are being trampled on. Sometimes extreme measures must be taken for the public good. This is an extreme case where extreme measures must be taken.
resolute Bandicoot
Joyful Fader - Thanks for your bravery and service.
We have rights? Since birth we all have been told by our governments and local authorities (often conflicting) what we can and can't do. It becomes ingrained and we are made to be sheep.
Right now we can,maybe over half of the time say what we want on the internet, but try it in real time to someones face and see how far that takes you.
People get arrested everyday for something they posted on the internet that they would never actually do.
As far as this pandemic who are the top profiteers right now? Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, Tech, just to name a few...All of which we are forced to give our information and or our data to. Which is sold over an over again.( yes hospitals sell data) Don't agree, just let a bill slip by accident and they will give it to every unethical creditor they can find. And there are many loopholes that let third parties collect hospital data whether we agree to it or not despite what they say.
Another example, I have an app that I can use to help pay some things if I do surveys. Do you want to know what kind of information they ask for so I can make 50cents? All of it. If I don't fit into what they WANT TO HEAR they boot me off and I don't get paid. This will piss some of you right off as it did me, but if I don't say that I don't like the certain people running for office , the surveys are immediately stopped. Every survey asks about Covid and politics ( and other things I wont mention)even if its a fricking Pepsi product. So I lie my ass off if I want to be paid.
The question could be "Do you think your rights are further being trampled on, since the Covid pandemic?"
Our rights have been flying out the window for many years. A slow drip. Yet another reason I personally like living completely off the grid. Here's another example. Before the 2008 recession in the community I lived we would have contest to see who could build "Tiny Homes" for the cheapest. Under 2,000 was achieved easily. All day long. Then with many losing their homes then, guess what became mainstream, "Tiny Homes". Remember the first shows about it? They were in the price of 25-40,000 range? Then it shot up to 250,000 for a flipping "Tiny Home" in a few years after that? Then the people that were doing this prior, to help themselves and low income people were price out and local, federal and state jurisdictions hammered down hard on the little people , the very ones who created a solution. So yeah, that took rights away. Libs, dems and repubs all cashing in.
I cant even begin to start on our rights or lack there of being trampled on (taken away). For instance, homesteading act ended in 1976. One rancher had the shear nerve to say to me in 2009 that he "doesnt understand what is wrong with the youth, that he came a laid stake to the 400 acres he has and raised cattle and is now set for life." I quickly reminded him that he "homesteaded his land" BEFORE 1976 when it was legal and that he was an uneducated, lucky, pompous jerk. He backed down. And he got schooled by a 'youngster' that wanted to do the same thing he did but its illegal now.
What rights? We do as we are told.
We lost some rights after 9/11 for the greater good , so I thought. I’d be willing to go thru the checkup lines and be frisked before I got on an airplane. Some things are worth it but unfortunately, government tends to take advantage of us sometimes.
Pants of Righteousness
Honestly mate. Give it away for a bit won't you.
people in power who are so inclined have often used them as opportunities to seize even more power as they take away individual rights.
I'm not saying that it will happen, only that it has happened many times in the past, and it certainly could happen again, anywhere.
Don't think it can't happen here. It can.
Well said JP1962 .Those in power always , when seeing an opportunity or creating an opportuniyt to take away peoples rights for their own benefits. Bottom line is money and power. Check world histories of richest people , govts.; how they have turned tables to their benefit.Whoever is (which is most of the general population) on the lowest rung gets squashed. Easy does it.Zing