Some comments here, suggest regret---that you were afraid of these simple men. Have you ever told an elder off? What was the result? ..........If you could today, would you let them know how you feel???
Did You Ever Tell An Elder Off??? How Did It Feel???
by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends
I did once when I was about 10 years old. my mom had fallen and sprained her ankle so she attended the sunday meeting in crutches. an elder asked me how my mom was doing I asked him "you have always ignored her before, why dont you take yourself over there and ask her yourself? or don't you really care?" the elder looked like he had been punched really hard. my mother found out about that and she scolded me but I didn't care. I knew from there that elders had no authority over anyone and their so called interest in the "flock" was feigned.
Yes and it was GREAT! He called my house and I hung up on him. I told him everything I needed to say was in my letter to the society *click*!
I'd love to have words with a few, but the situation is too complicated to speak my mind freely at the moment. A couple made me really angry with ignorant comments they made in public talks, no wonder prejudice thrives when it's encouraged from the platform. One who convinvced the whole audience that AIDS was caused by homosexuals and it was what they deserved. The other who said that for someone who was gay to say they were born that way is no different than a pedophile to say they were born that way, quite the irony coming from the WTBS. And the talk concluded with how that "lifestyle" was chosen similarly to how a bank robber chooses to knowingly violate God's law. I would have loved to take either of them off in a corner and correct their "facts". But of course I couldn't, and didn't.
Well, I did throw 2 out of my house. The next week, I got a certified letter inviting me to a Judicial Hearing. I answered it with 3 pages of quotes from various pubs and they let it drop, especially after I threatened them with legal proceedings if the persisted. A year later, I DA'd and a few months afterwards, divorced the dub wife.
Did it feel good? At the time, I was so pissed it had me shaking. Slammed my door so hard after them it jammed shut. Today, I laugh about it.
VERY good, thank you!
I told some elders off so many times I could probably write a book about it. And no, it didn't feel good. I don't get any particular enjoyment out of telling people off or putting them in their place, but sometimes it's necessary if you want to maintain your own self respect.
It's probably why I was never made a MS.
Frannie Banannie
Let's seee......I put an elder in his "place" when he attempted to warn me off from visiting a young sister with 4 kids who was grieving the death of her husband....he told me she was too emotional and I turned on him and said, "Actually, that's appropriate...I'd be wary of her if she wasn't."
And then there was the time that two elders came to my house, as a result of my request for assistance from the elders to help me with the task of moving....I had been in a car accident, had a double concussion, two sprained ankles and was being evicted from my apartment because I couldn't work and had acquired funds from AFDC to move to another apartment and just needed some able bodies to help with moving our possessions....they told me I had gotten myself into this mess and I could just very well get myself out....I went ballistic!!!
Then there was the whole congregation of elders that handled my disfellowshipping at the request of the Gov. Haughty after I had sent Brooklyn my letter of reproof against them....the elders used really stupid scriptures to chastise me with, speaking of me being "a stone for stumbling beneath the waters at the love feasts..." (some kind of drivel like that)...I wrote the elders a scathing letter and told them that if they had bothered to finish reading the scriptures they were "counseling" me with, they would have seen that the scriptures referred to SHEPHERDS, which THEY were..and not I...I also told them off.
I would say that on the whole, in all instances, my experiences were very satisfying.
Frannie B
having been submissive to those taking the lead,having the Book study in my home for years and not making*waves*I had a row with my book study conductor /Elder,He then went to the PO told him then it was announced from the platform,Even though the Elder was in the wrong.THE TALK WAS ABOUT ME,daring to challenge the Elder.I was amazed,and this was my first encounter with the velvet glove coming off and the iron fist being waved at me.
i still remained a JW later the same Elder was counselling someone whose daughter had been abused,The Mother was a good friend of mine,she was told to keep it to herself,she told me,and i was disgusted,but as a loyal JW remained silent.about 3-4 yrs ago when i discovered all the so-called 'apostate'stuff ,I challenged all the Elders and London Bethal,I had the Elders around my house I really was looking for answers wanted the truth,They were covering up.The same Elder was trying to discipline me,the other Elder was compassionate,i was i gathered more information i asked more questions,and more Elders came,I told them in no uncertain terms what i thought,i told them it is no good you coming here like the Gestapo I do not scare that easily,I told them they were in a satanic cult,I resigned,told them not to bother calling me in,that i would not attend.
then when the paedophile stories came out,I remembered form years ago the abuse,I kept a letter from all those years ago from the MotherJW friend (now deceased).I told the police,and my local MP.and gave statements of other different abuse .The police were brilliant,they persued it all but could not prove anything,nevertheless the KH was shaken up a bit,and it is all on record,I received 2 letters from MP.
Since all this i have come to Jesus,and now try to help others.The WT controls by FEAR and the word they preach is OBEY.when you are set free in Jesus this fear dissapears,In the KH i did not have a voice,now i have one and I am using it.Not revenge,but for those who are trapped inside this dreadful cult.there is nothing wrong with 'taking on'the Elders,or anyone who is promoting falseness.
We have a saying here in the UK 'They are just a bunch of window cleaners'.......Most JWS are over here.
I was in the street one day an elder was walking towards me,saw me and retreated (now that i am satans person).another Elder crossed the road to speak to me .He is half in and half out,staying at the KH mostly for his family.I have also been on Reachout trust Forum,here we have active WT JWS trying to silence us.why not join in
Blessings Fran(cannot post too often,also,recovering from surgery,shoulder,please exscuse typing.using left hand.)