Haven't read all the posts, but have a couple thoughts for you:
1) Take this as a blessing. You've got a ticket out of the cult. You don't have to keep one foot in and one foot out anymore. You can get both feet out completely. Trying to fade is tough and frankly can play havoc on your mental health. Getting shunned sucks. Loosing family connections sucks. But they're clamping down on it anyway. Hiding your true self can be extremely damaging as well. Maybe not for everyone, but for people like me, it has been devastating.
2) Save your kid. Put your foot down on meeting attendance and indoctrination. Stop it. Use their rules against them. They have to respect you as head of the family, even if you're DA'd or DF'd. So you can prevent your child from being indoctrinated.
3) If you have access and/or can afford it, seek some counselling or therapy. Just having an outlet to talk to will be helpful. This is a dramatic and serious life changing event in your life. A therapist can help you process some of the batshit crazy stuff that's being thrust on you.
Really sorry to hear what's happened. Remember that the elders have no real authority over you. Your only responsibility is to live a happy and healthy life that you deserve. A life that this religious is trying to usurp and steal from you to serve it's own end.