Ok, so another update:
I wanted to leave anyway - i wont give them the pleasure of a JC, the pleasure of interrogating me - I've mailed me DA letter today.
I text each of my family members telling them of my decision and added "i know this means you'll effectively have to shun me but as far as im concerned you dont have to. Our relationship isnt just "fellow witnesses" we're family first and thats closer. If you want to cut me off then i'll respect your wishes". My mum called me. She's the most hard-core believer (the kind that thinks Elders families are holier than all of us mortals.) She said straight away she's not gonna shun me. She did try and reason with me and so did my sisters but they're not shunning me either.
As for my wifes family... well coincidentally they've invited my wife round. She's told me she's staying there tonight with my daughter. To be honest i could do with the head space. I know what comes next, daddy elder will fill her head with bullshit.
The elders in my mums hall already know about my DA and have "councilled" her of the "loving" provision of shunning her son. In the hope that I'll see the "light" and return to the bOrg. Strange because I only posted the letter in the mail an hour ago! The only person who knew that i was posting it was my wifes dad (an elder in my hall). Words travels fast. Also, nothing has even been announced yet.
All in all i have a bumpy ride ahead of me. All i can says is it's great to be free. But when my family see the cultish DF vids in the upcoming convention we might see a change there.