Do any of you start humming a Kingdon tune out of the blue? I do from time to time, I love music you can take any key and there will be a Kingdom song that starts with it. That is how I learned how to play a harmonica was by remembering the tunes of Jehovah's Witness's. This is a silly subject I know, but it seems those songs have a powerful meaning in that they teach, right or wrong they teach.
Do any of you start humming a Kingdon tune out of the blue?
by Singing Man 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Not a silly subject at all.
Its that damn line "There is a book that by its many pages....", pops into my head from time to time.
Not that often though!! Thank Bob!
Never! I didn't like their tunes when I was a dud and really don't care for them now! It was not so bad when they had a person playing the piano, but when they went to the 'canned' music I was over it totally! Over the years the WTS has sterilized the whole meeting process. All the Halls are similar, all the music is bland. The whole thing is just mind numbing...oh's suppost to be! Now I'm thinking of that tune "Were all brain dead Witnesses!" Maverick
Actually I listen to an NPR jazz station at work.
I find filling my mind with good music helps keep the bad away.
it only comes to mind when a thread like this talks about the kingdom songs and reminds me.
Special K
sorry.. I'm guilty of such..
special k
Yes sadly -- song number 8 also!!! Loyal Submission toTheocratic Order!!
No, I never hum any of the Kingdumb songs. Sometimes though, when I'm at the meeting, after hearing to the songs they start playing over and over in my head! I'll be driving to work or reading a book, and the godawful nails on chalkboard music starts up again. ERRRHHH! It makes me want to take a hammer to my forehead. Having to listen to Barny songs over and over is far more merciful...
zen nudist
if you want to be nasty to someone, just hum some really stupid song you know that they know and in about a minute, they will be infected and cannot stop hearing it (^_^) and will likely hum it too.... cursing you the rest of the day (^o^)
YES, I hate it! I'll be cleaning up around the house and find myself humming...wonder what I'm humming...oh lord it's another Kingdom Song!! :p Then begins the mad dash to get something ELSE stuck in my head. ;P