Do any of you start humming a Kingdon tune out of the blue?

by Singing Man 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • morty

    you took the words right out of my mouth sns.....just when I see threads or posts about them...

  • CountryGuy

    The only one that sticks in my head on a consistant basis is "From house to house."

    We had a CO in California that loved the kingdom melodies. During one visit, he taught each book study a different verse of that song in a different language. We then sang the song together as a cong on Sunday. My family's group learned our verse in Chinese. It went something like "Jook ja, jook woo..."

    I was very young. The only reason I remember it is my father still sings it over twenty-five years later!

  • Dansk

    Am I glad others still hum those wretched tunes! My wife and boys look at me in disbelief at times and then I suddenly realise what I've been doing. I tell them that its the poisons coming out of me !

    I tend to hum the tunes when I've been thinking about something JW-oriented, such as wondering how my daughters are getting along. One thing leads to another and I end up humming. Sheesh, Satan is insidious, after all!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    <slowly puts up my hand too>

    Yes even after almost 20 years a tune or two will roll off my tongue.

    But then, when I was a dub, I recall humming or singing church or xmas music that I had learned when I was young. Then I would feel guilty because I was "sinning".

    Now I just feel yucky. But love those xmas songs

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