This artical seems OK to me no mention of shunning, marking etc. Could it be the WT is feeling the heat and changing its policy in respect to shunning of family and friends? Is the Awake just as authoritive as the WT and is this artical grounds for a change? Barry
Has anyone read Awake Nov 8th 'When loved ones do not share your faith',
by barry 18 Replies latest jw friends
Barry, I think the WTS has demonized non-JW relatives too much so that JWs are no longer "witnessing" to their family. With little increase from the door-to-door work, this is the last area for increase. In many congregations 50% learned the "truth" from a family member or informally.
Also, many JWs are not handling the care of the elderly relatives assuming non-JW relatives should. While I know of some fine JWs who take of their parents, many view their non-JW parents as the responsibility of their non-JW relatives. Looks bad to the community.
William Penwell
Yes the Awake has always being more "politically" correct so to speak. It is the one that is published for outside worldly ones to give the religion a more positive light. So I wouldn't take too much of what the Awake says as WT policies.
The August, 2002 edition of "Our Kingdom Ministry" spells out all of the nasty requirements for labeling (calling them apostates) and shunning family members who become disassociated or disfellowshipped.
This is classic creed bigotry in one of it worst forms and it still continues unabated.
Barry... in the WTS' eyes, there's a huge difference between individuals who have never been JWs, and ex-JWs. The former are "unbelievers" or "people who do no share your faith". The latter are "apostates", "former Christians", or "disfellowshipped ons."
So I'm sure that any counsel in the article was meant--and will be understood--as referring only to those who have never been JWs.
Our JW loved ones show "love" to those of us who ONCE shared their faith. Love so much that they ignore us and avoid us at all costs. Love so much that they often speculate and backstab those of us who no longer are part of their religion.
Why do they show us this overwhelming "love"? It's so that we might feel bad and come back to their 'loving' religion.
These people ought to read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Andrew Carnegie.
(The main ex-JW's go back to the faith is in an attempt to resume association with JW family members, and not because they've had a wholesale change of heart attitude with regard to the JW faith.)
Continuing on what Greven & William P. mentioned: these comments may well be addressed to "worldlies" (those "on the outside"). This would have the effect of encouraging them to be kind to their JW RELATIVES: so kind that they might soak up the WTS message!!!!
Reading Between the Lines Class