IICSA Final Report

by Phizzy 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phizzy

    The English Legal System's Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse has issued its Final Report, and its recommendations. To read the Report in full just Google IICSA Report, if you search on the IICSA Site you can find the specific investigation into J.W's.

    But this recommendation from the Final Report is interesting, esp. the first and last sentences. :

    " The first relates to the introduction of a statutory requirement of mandatory reporting. In effect, it requires individuals in certain employments (paid or voluntary) and professions to report allegations of child sexual abuse to the relevant authorities. Failure to do so in some circumstances could lead to the commission of a new criminal offence of failure to report an allegation of child sexual abuse when required to do so. The second concerns the establishment of a national redress scheme for England and for Wales, to provide some monetary redress for child sexual abuse for those who have been let down by institutions in the past. This is a fixed-term scheme with straightforward processes to ensure that, as far as possible, victims and survivors secure efficient access to the help they need. The redress scheme is not a substitute for criminal or civil justice systems and it does not replace the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. The government should seek contributions to the scheme from the institutions affected."

  • TonusOH

    A tax on those institutions that ignored the issue, in effect. It's one way to get them to take real action: hit them in the wallet. Especially those institutions that are usually tax exempt and try to hide their perfidy behind rules and rituals.

  • Listener

    Hopefully the Government will implement the recommendations asap.

  • ThomasMore

    Has the redress scheme that WTC finally signed onto resulted in any money being paid to victims from WTC coffers?

  • Phizzy

    " Has the redress scheme that WTC finally signed onto resulted in any money being paid to victims from WTC coffers? " That is in Australia ? I would like to know the answer to that too, in as much details as is known !

    The above report is suggesting a similar redress scheme for England, if it is implemented, hopefully soon, we shall have to watch what happens !

    The Org. cares more about hanging on to its money, than making life more bearable for its Victims.

  • Earnest

    The Home Secretary in the UK, Yvette Cooper, has announced today in Parliament that it will be mandatory for professionals in a position of trust – including teachers, doctors, priests and social workers – to report child sexual abuse that they know of. This will be implemented in the Crime & Policing Bill this Spring and failure to report will become a criminal offence.

  • ukpimo


    Follow this link for updates. Ironically, the JW website now has a front page article -

    Is protest the answer?

    Protest can be a powerful force for change. But is it the solution to injustice, corruption, and oppression?

    If this is Watchtower's attempt at guilt tripping loyal jws or exjws who are victims of child abuse who worked so hard to raise awareness of CSA and the need for mandatory reporting, they can well and truly piss off and I hope they enjoy the legal implications!

  • Vidiot

    Elders that don’t comply will be charged…

    …institutions that won’t comply will have their charity status threatened.

    And that is as it should be.

  • BluesBrother

    I hope there are no exceptions in the final law. This will put the government on collision course with the Catholic Church who claim the “ sanctity of the confessional “ and the WT has clung to their coat tails. If there is a loophole the dubs will find it .

  • NotFormer

    "The Home Secretary in the UK, Yvette Cooper, has announced today in Parliament that it will be mandatory for professionals in a position of trust – including teachers, doctors, priests and social workers – to report child sexual abuse that they know of"

    Hopefully elders will be captured within those definitions. "...that they know of" allows too much wiggle room, IMO. Unless the CSA is established in the mouth of two or three witnesses, the elder doesn't KNOW anything, according to WT law as based on their peculiar understanding of Mosaic law.

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