I attended the meeting tonight.....

by silentlambs 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DannyBear

    Had Enough,

    Since I have not worn my jw hat in over 20yrs, it may be a little easier for me to take a bigger view. Much like you have recently experienced.... I remember the anger, bordering on hate, when I first realized the extent of the evil, self righteous attitude displayed by 'gods chosen people'. Time and again on this and other forums comments about not responding in kind, have accomplished far more, than resorting to 'payback'.

    If you put the jw hat on (only to recall) and visualize the senario SL describes, would you consider his cause more seriously or less, after the event? If you were sitting there in that meeting with your children, how would you explain his conduct? Would the children then feel SL is a friend or foe? There is no excuse for juvenile, 'look at me' burning your tires, waving your hands at the 'teacher', just to disrupt or draw attention to yourself. He knew what kind of reaction he would get, he knew it would be ugly. Now everytime any of those jw's who witnessed this outburst, will have more reason to believe the 'party line'....apostates are demonized.


  • sf

    Oh my dearest Tom,

    BWAHHHHHHHHHHHROFLOL...you are so on target! Not that you need my pointing that out to you though. I got quite the intoxicating feeling of adrenaline when I read your post. Why of course the world WILL now know where the WTBTS is indeed getting their "FUNDS". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, but 100 attorneys?? Whoa! Well, I got mine secured, so no worries there. He once got me a settlement from a case no other lawyer would touch. It was long and tedious, yet rewarding.

    Tom, please keep those pages coming so as I can get them pasted up. As I've relayed toyou before, they are a real crowd pleaser in rooms that allow me to paste actual, entire text pages on the net. And since bring the inKredible piece of WTS machinery known as "CHARITABLE PLANNING/ CONDITIONAL DONATION ARRANGEMENT" to "new light" on yahoo and about.com rooms, this has become a hot topic and people want more info and more answers.

    Now Tom, would you or Kent or anyone who has actually received the "CDA" packet in the mail, please put up the THREE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS that accompanies the booket "CHARITABLE PLANNING"? I do not at this time have the means of scanning them for all to view. Yet, I think it's vital they are "attached" with the booklet on the internet. The "SAMPLE COPY" of the "CDA" is really an inKredible piece of KRAP! I cannot believe anyone would or could not read straight between the lines of what the SOCIETY is "TRULY" Konspiring to do with ALL OF THOSE "FUNDS".

    And Farkel, I love you.

    {{{{{{Dear Mr. Bowen}}}}}}}}

    Sincerely, sKally

  • metatron

    Keep attending those meetings, Silentlambs!
    Keep rubbing it in their faces!

    I recall a comment by Bruno Bettleheim in regard to
    Nazi persecution. He noted that deliberate martyrs
    who openly defied the Nazis, even to the point of
    death, sent out emotional shock waves that quietly
    damaged morale. In that kind of controlled environment,
    a person who stands up for what's right creates painful
    doubts in people, that maybe, just maybe, what they're
    doing is wrong. The Nazi's hated this kind of open opposition
    ,among Witnesses and others, that demonstrated to all the
    evil of their rulership, even when it caused pain or death.

    So be it with the hypocrites and Witness-Nazis of today!
    Why not get a front row seat and raise your hand for every


  • Thirdson

    Just adding my support for SL and bringing this back to the top for others and esp the lurkers to view.

    I wouldn't have the guts to endure what you are doing SL. If it wasn't for you where would the reports of the hypocritical behaviour of the WTS come from?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Tina

    Hi metatron

    And thank you! What an apropos perspective.
    It's not too difficult to imagine the elders and ms's as obersturmbanfeuhers and the r/f as deaf and blind feld-graus following the facist watchtower party line.
    And they are practicing a form of emotional terrorism on sl.
    Tina,who has always admired the work of the late, great B Bettelheim

  • alamb

    Thank you silent lamb for being the voice of so many who cannot speak. Your presence alone at the meetings is a roar for justice. I thoroughly understand your methods. You can do more working on the inside. If you quit going, the locals would have reason to say they were right all along and that you are hiding. Being present is putting all of them in the position of deciding on which side of the fence they are on.
    My children were victims of shunning by association of me, their mother. I was disassociated due to their not handling matters with a molester, my father. I later undisassociated myself due to never taking vows of loyalty to the organization and to give the children an answer to outsiders who would say, "oh, your mom is DA'd". My children would show up for service, and have to walk home due to not being assigned to car groups. They were also refused literature. They would comment off WT's and KM's from people in front of us until they would not be called upon either. After 2 1/2 years, we quit. I did not want my children spiritually abused.
    "By their fruits you will recognize them." By your fruits we recognize and applaud you. God's light shines brightly in you.

  • outnfree

    Okay, I have to weigh in on this, too, now.

    DannyBear and Joel,

    This is one of the few times that I've wholeheartedly disagreed with your posts.

    Brother Bowen is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Brother Bowen has not even been reproved. Brother Bowen DID speak some truth about disgusting goings on in the WT Organization, but that does not mean he no longer has a right to attend the Kingdom Hall to worship (Jah --not the GB). Brother Bowen may even have "gotten something out of the meetings" IF he had not been privy to the information about the brothers chosen to present the good and timely spiritual food and the hypocrisy and wrongness of the choices.

    Something all of us may forget, all the while applauding silentlambs and his cause, and wishing ferverently for its success in reforming the Watch Tower's policies:

    Silentlambs IS a real victim!

    Maybe I should restate that one more time for emphasis:

    Silentlambs IS a real victim!

    He has become a "real victim" because of becoming an [outstanding, upright, honest, and courageous] ADVOCATE for even MORE [powerless and downtrodden] VICTIMS!

    His entire family are victims (although he has never tried to portray himself or them as such in anything I've read). Victims of a vicious policy of shunning -- whether official or not. They have done nothing worthy of disfellowshipping but are clearly anathema to the congregation.

    Perhaps, just perhaps, Brother Bowen had something appropriate and insightful to say when he raised his hand to comment at last night's meeting. YES, he may have been testing the waters, but why shouldn't he? Does not being reproved actually MEAN not being reproved or doesn't it.

    And he was perfectly entitled to practice mirroring (thanks for the term, Tina!). It IS idiotic for the elders to assign a "shadow" for undf'd Brother Bowen everywhere he goes in the KH.
    Would the two of you actually DEFEND this intimidating practice?

    Joel, honey, I can't believe how HARSH you were in saying silentlambs was engaging in attention-seeking behavior! And that sharing his experience here on the forum was "adolescent." Following the attendant around was not "getting even" it was, as Had Enough pointed out, a way of making the attendant see how ridiculous it all was, and a way of letting the attendant know that Brother Bowen was aware of what was going on.

    Now, the burning rubber part may have been a tad "adolescent" -- but Brother Bowen is not perfect yet. He is a man like us, as was Elijah. I think we, and the rest of the world, can forgive him his little foible. The "silentlambs" movement will not suffer too much from Bill's "temporary humanity."

    Danny Bear,

    Brother Bowen, despite his mirroring and pealing out did NOT, NOT, NOT attempt to "repay in kind" the kind of treatment he was given by the cold-hearted, hypocritical Witnesses at his "home" Kingdom Hall.
    The INTENT behind his shadowing his "Shadow" was to bring home the point that his "Shadow" was not at all subtle and that silentlambs was AWARE. The pealing out did not come close to causing anybody at that hall the psychological harm exercised towards unDF'd Brother Bowen that evening!

    If I were sitting there in that meeting with MY children, MY children would want to know why ex-elder Brother Bowen was not being called on, even though he was trying his darnedest to show his love for Jehovah by participating in the meeting as so often admonished to do by the faithful and discreet slave.

    From what I read, Brother Bowen behaved in an exemplary manner (well, maybe he could've remained in his seat and not taken a bathroom break, because he IS an adult and he should have 'taken care of that business' BEFORE the meeting as I always told my children! The time between the meetings is NOT a bathroom break time, after all, singing praises to Jehovah is PART OF OUR WORSHIP!) and exercised great restraint.

    MY children, DannyBear, would have wanted to know why everybody was ignoring nice, dear old Brother Bowen. They would be ASKING, "Is he disfellowshipped then?" "No." "Then why isn't anyone talking to him?" CHILDREN, DannyBear, see things very clearly. And the MOLESTED children in that KH saw very well last night WHO was up on that platform giving a part, and who was being IGNORED.


    I'm just about WORN OUT here, getting my Irish up and all, because you ARE unfairly being held to a higher standard than "human."

    What some here may have forgotten is that you are just as newly out as several of us, that your wounds are just as open and unhealed, that in addition to dealing with your own mourning process, and the rest of your family's, you have taken it upon yourself to CRUSADE for the SILENT VICTIMS!

    I, for one, am EXTREMELY, unabashedly grateful and admiring, and if, after reading some of these responses you want to go hop in your pick-up truck and peal out of your driveway just to let off some steam, I say:

    You just go right ahead, now, darlin'! Lay that rubber down THICK!!!


  • joelbear

    As with absolutely any subject matter and/or group, it all depends on which side you are on as to how you judge someone's actions.

    Of course Brother Bowen is imperfect. And I certainly don't pretend to sit in judgement of him as a person.

    I would ask him what he hopes to accomplish with the "in your face" approach. I haven't questioned his right to go to a meeting nor to raise his hand. I still don't understand his purpose in doing so. Was it to demand his rights as a Jehovah's Witness, an organization which he wholeheartedly condemns? Was it to bring attention to his cause? How would going to the meeting do accomplish anything additional to his revelations in the local press?

    Sorry, I just don't get the reasoning behind it.


  • joelbear

    And also,

    When someone puts themselves forward as an advocate and/or representative for others, he carries a higher level of responsibility for his actions, since any actions he takes can and will affect those who he has put himself forward as an advocate for.



  • Tina

    Hi joel,
    Im trying hard to understand where you're coming from,but can't.
    What sl did in relation to what he experienced is so very very minor.
    I think the monumental negative behavior here is the mass shunning/emotional abuse done upon an innocent individual.
    In harmony with outnfree's post,what is glaringly evident is the victimization of this man,and the attempted and effective silencing of this man in his place of worship,where he has obviously (thru THEIR) behavior lost. Who wouldn't be just a tad miffed?
    I can't see how sl,in any way,has negatively affected his position as advocate. Just sharing thoughts here,Tina

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