The first thing you have to do is find a lawyer that has had experience with the dubs. I had a very difficult time finding one here in Canada. It is so frustrating dealing with jws because they are such a minute cult and nobody knows anything about them. I found a lawyer that was involved in ONE other case. That was the best I could do. He messed up on a number of areas. I desparately tried to educate him but the consensus was always the adage that courts do not consider religion in custody battles.
If you are going to separate, you need all the info you can get your hands on. An invaluable asset that I had was a copy of the societys booklet on "Preparing for Child Custody Cases". By studying this booklet, you can show that the lws lifestyle is in question here. The courts only consider what is in the best interest of the children. You have to try and show that being indoctrinated by the jw, the children will be seriously handicapped.
I don't think that the blood argument is going to have any effect. They will lie through their teeth about it. My ex certainly did. My lawyer managed to get us an arbitrator so we could come to a mutual agreement. When my ex was asked about my concern about blood being withheld for my boy in case of an accident, she stated that the first phone call she would make in a case of an emergency, would be to me. I had a hard time believing that, the fact being that she had already filled a no blood card for our son.
It cost me the better part of my retirement savings fighting her, but I am happy to say that I now have my son living with me.
DO NOT TRUST them for a second. They say hind sight is 20/20. If I analyze my situation, my trusting her humanity, caused me the most grief and expense.
I am really sorry that you are going through this. Try to remain as calm as posssible and research....research......and more research.