He totally blew smoke up my a$$!!

by LovesDubs 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gordy


    At the time I just couldn't believe it. Find it so funny myself now.

    When I was a JW and heard of others thinking like that, I used to think how pathetic. I mean we were supposed to be the only "true" religion on earth, the only ones Jehovah dealt with etc, his people and organisation.. Yet they they're so afraid of "demons" affecting them from some "worldly" source. One sister had a bad time and decide that it was because of a pen that her husband had been given at work, (everyone had been given one) said she heard it calling her name one night.

  • Mac

    * And to all you viewers of this thread.........please be advised as to the dangers of second hand ass smoke!!

    mac , of the public service announcement class


    JW's are heros in their congregations when they are being persecutedTM by their non-dub mate. I remember *flashback* when I was a dub and there was a family attending the congregation where the wife was a non-dub and the husband was pure-dub ... there were people in the congregation who could not wait for the next meeting to hear the latest in the saga of the household horrors. I'm not kidding. These jws are heros -- drama kings and queens -- sopping up attention from the elders and any sympathetic sisters/brothers who would lavish them with pity and "Awwww...you pooooooor (wo)man!" as the case went...

    I'm sorry he caught you in his drama...



    LovesDubs: contact, for what it's worth: iiz2cool.

    He can relate, or at least, provide a well versed trained ear to you.

    He's a good person, someone I know well, and he's awesome!

    He's lived the Dub life, even longer than myself.

    I'll try to figure out how to copy/paste his PM addy, so you (if you wish) can contact him.

    He's awesome, as the Michigan crew can attest to, as well as the Toronto crew.

    Best wishes.

  • worldlygirl

    Estee - you are EXACTLY RIGHT! My ex is basking in the glow of communal pity as we speak.

  • LovesDubs

    Hi Alana honey of course I remember you!

    Thank you to everyone who wrote here...I love you all. Dont know what Id do without this place to VENT. I am going to direct my energies for now to my children who are anxious to begin putting up decorations..a thanksgiving tradition in our home. I will come and review what is written here next week when I have a clearer calendar.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
    Love Loves

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Hey, Lovesdubs/LovesMeNot!!! I remember you from AOL....I was "Apollyona" ....we've come a lonnng way, huh.....Sorry to hear the "gloves are off"....but glad it's an eye-opener for you....

    WB to JWD, hon....glad to have you back...hope to hear more from you soon...and hope you can keep your kids safe from all that emotional blackmail B.S.....there's a LOT of good advice being given here....heheheheh....(50 ways to "lose" yer loser hubby) Go for it!


    Frannie B

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