I was thinking a bit about this the other day. CT Russell, from what I remember about him, kinda seemed like a genuine, nice(ish) guy, although he had a few eccentric but harmless ideas.
I know this is a common and carefully crafted view about Russell. The facts show otherwise. The book below:
was written only 2 years after Russell started printing the WT. It was written by his peers in the New York area.
It shows that he:
1. Had zero bible training what so ever
2. Was a clothing salesman for his father
3. Assumed the title Pastor without ever having pastored anyone.
4. Fostered and promoted the idea that he himself was named in scripture as the faithful and wise servant.
5. Was a shameless self-promoter and had no problem lying on stage
6. Went on a world-tour to investigate missionaries. This was exposed as a complete fraud. He then packed out the Hippodrome in NYC and denounced all missionaries in the most negative terms.
7. Was divorced by his wife (she was known for having impeccable character & from a good family) for "inappropriate behavior".... like locking himself in the maids bedroom and not coming out for 10 minutes when his wife was knocking on the door. She accused him under oath of doing things like this to both of the women who lived in the Russell home.
8. He set up multiple corporations to try and deny her the alimony he was ordered to pay.
Russell filled a niche. He provided a religion to tickle the ears. It was religion for the hard-working albeit uneducated common man:
1. No consciousness after death. So nothing to worry about if you get it wrong in this life.
2. No judgement after you die
3. Second chance theology for almost everyone - wake up in paradise
4. You get to take credit for your hard work you do for God
I believe Russell was the ultimate narcissist sociopath who had no trouble deceiving others.... for their own good of course. Rutherford was just a little angrier.... same BS, same kind of affairs, probably with more alcohol.
ALL of the subsequent WT leaders and many of the R & F have followed in these footsteps that glorify ignorance, the uneducated and self-righteousness.