You are passing off fakery as 'truth.' You do this to legitimize your disaffection from the Watchtower. You do not need to do that. We're free agents. We can choose our associations without excuse.
Mischaracterizing me or others who press for historical accuracy does not change the fact that you're wrong. That you use character defamation to excuse your personal choices. I'm not a Russellite. And most certainly not a Witness. I'm pursuing my master's degree in history.
You want me to run away? From the likes of you and others who use unethical behavior to cover behavior defects? Not very likely.
Russell was no more a false prophet than the Established Church writers who delved into prophetic numbers to predict the end of the age. There's a long list of those. Or of the Presbyterian and Church of Scotland writers who did the same. Or the Lutherans or Evangelicals or Congregationalists.
You don't like what Russell taught? Fine. If you boiled down his six volumes into what is absolutely Scriptural, I think we'd end up with a single volume, perhaps quite thin. However, grasping hold of falsehood and misrepresentation to support a life choice is a mental defect. None of us here need find excuses for the course we follow. No one is responsible for our choices but ourselves.
So, you spew nonsense. I'll continue to note it.
Assume some personal responsibility and do your due diligence. Verify before you spew. If you look to Internet nonsense to recover from the Watchtower, you will fail. Stand on your own two feet. Accept your choices for what they are. Acknowledge that you made them. A dead man did not deceive you. If you were deceived by anyone it is your own fault. Start with that, and you may 'recover.'