baker - was the photo in this site?
Memorial attendance
by punkofnice 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi my buddy punk!
It was down here in my area.
Hi Millie,
Do you know where the photos are?
Will they eventually quit printing the total that attend the memorial?
'Cuz it's dropping, too!
A buddy of mine has been attending the same congregation for 25 years no new ones in that whole time. -
JW GoneBad
Our attendance was down from last year by about 15 to 20. We left off over 12,000 memorial invitations with our neighbors and we are lucky if 1 or 2 showed up. The speaker was a drag...the chairman was a looser...and the material was dry! -
Memorial attendance
Up..Down..It doesn`t matter..
Dragging Anyone with a Heartbeat,into a Kingdom Hall once a year..
Isn`t a Major Accomplishment..
.............This Makes 3...........I Need 5..
.........Then I`ll put Them in the Car and..
...............It`s Off to the Kingdom Hall..
JW GoneBad
OUTLAW...Hilarious! -
Stop it Outlaw - you keep comng up with posts that I wished I'd made.
Memorial means shit. Every tom dick and harry and susie who has any ties will go to keep family members shut up. Also the cult will rope anyone they can bribe or drag into the hall. It has little to do with any numbers as to the growing or declining of the cult. The harder the times are the more the cult can pull in idiots. Hard times flush the chumps.