I have been in an avatar changing mood. I wonder what do you all prefer, a personal pic so you know who your posting to or do you prefer a avatar that reflects an aspect of the persons personality?
What do you prefer?
by SheilaM 46 Replies latest jw friends
Well I have a problem with believing people REALLY look like their pics. That's why I never attend an apostofest. Sevenof6 (dave).....really looks like his picture in real life....and that would scare me.
Actually I think if you can see the person.....it make them more real to me and somehow, it tells a little about the person. When I can figure out how to post mine, I will.
I've had my photo up a few times, but I prefer to stay with the one that show's my personality.
Stacy Smith
It's always fun to see what a person looks like. You look pretty.
I don't mind the avatars that reflect the individual's personality. I do prefer to see the face, like yours Sheila. With a smile like that who could not like you and feel drawn to you. Knowing what you look like makes it more friendly and personal.
When I knew I was going to Dallas I went to different photo threads just so I knew what people looked like before I went down, so I wouldn't be overwhelmed by all the new faces. I like to put a name to a face.
little witch
I like your photo avitar Sheila (somehow I just don't buy that whip and beer avitar)LOL
I on the other hand will have to get by with a personality reflector, I am not nearly as adorable as you!
I'm lucky I look like my avatar.
Been thinking the same thing Sheila. I've been thinking of buying a new speedo swim suit so I can convey the "correct image".
Big Tex
It depends on what the person is trying to say. I think a photo puts a face on the person behind the words. I think it helps humanize them. My avatar is a photo of me at 20 months (or so); it's my inner child, so it is a way for me to tell something about myself.
Either one is fine. I like to see what the person looks like but a picture that reflects who they are are cool too