"You Wouldn't Believe How Many Have Crawled Back To The Meetings"
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
James Mixon
A-Believer:Surprise, most here hate that religion and I wonder why.......... -
Whenever JWs make claims like this I get the impression that they are trying to convince themselves that a mass "crawling back" is occurring because that feels better that a mass "fading away" which would be the more likely scenario.
When I was still in and going to meetings the elephant in the room for our cong (and surrounding) was that were several people "drifting away" "slowing down" in the ministry and the meetings this was ignored while we all banged on about the amount of "interest" (non existant) there was and "how exciting" (not) the times were etc etc.
What deludinoids!
Why people would want to crawl back into an abusive situation is beyond belief.
It is just the same as a domestic abuse situation. Once someone gets out, why would they want to go back? Only if they are so downtrodden that they think that is the "best I will ever deserve".
I can assure you I did not exaggerate even a little bit regarding our conversation. I have never heard that expression crawling back but I suppose it makes sense to someone in a position of authority . I actually felt pretty good about our conversation. Since my mom died a little over a year ago I have not had any Jehovah's Witness approach me which frankly is good by me. While my mother was alive I would not look to engage in conversations with witnesses. I did not want her to have to deal with any negativity from a conversation that would make someone feel uncomfortable. They could take it out on her. Now that she has passed I do not have that concern any longer
I'm not surprised to hear that at all.
When I went back in 2003 seeking reinstatement, one of the elders told me that many came crawling back after 9-11. Of course they left again after they realized Armageddon wasn't coming - WHICH ONLY SHOWS HOW INSINCERE THEY WERE.
They talk as if things are so so bad now the end is just around the corner which is been true for hundreds of years
They talk as if things are so so bad now the end is just around the corner
.....and that's what makes the JWS beliefs so stupid, most JWS today don't even know that in the late 1800's their forefather CT Russell preached that Christ has returned in 1874 and that mankind should expect Armageddon in 1914.
Well it sounded and looked good on the front cover of a magazine at least.
I suppose that the Prodigal Son could be described as "crawling back." But the reception for a DF'd one coming to a meeting or two is nothing like what the father did for his returning son. Keep crawling! Maybe we'll stop shunning you next year!
James Mixon
I'am sure ex elders receive a different welcome. I was told I could be reinstated in 6 months, of course my family members are all elders in that congregation. I believe it takes longer for women on their knees crawling back.
Did this conversation take place in a Kingdom Hall min'? What is your situation now that your mother has sadly passed? Are you still going to meetings?
Hope you don't mind me asking.