"RC Was Worse Than I Thought"....in more ways than one!
It's difficult to stomach 3 straight days, so entire families are splitting them up. I did the same. One RC had 8,500 in attendance with 45 baptized, mostly JW children. Another had 7,900 in attendance with 40 baptized...again many JW children.
8,500 in attendance at one is the equivalent of 85 congregations. 7,900 in attendance at the other RC is equivalent to 79 congregations. Between the two RCs there were 85 baptized. That is a .005 percent rate of baptized JWs. So basically it took 2 whole congregations, with all the pioneers and rank and file door to door witnessing + all the cart witnessing + visits to the JW website to add 1 JW between them to their ranks.
Talk about worsed RCs ever!