in FF"s days we [were] taught that the great tribulation had started in 1914, was interrupted in 1918 [and there was a] ….hiatus until Armageddon, thus: the great crowd of OS would be able to scripturally "come out of the great tribulation"
Wow! I did not realize this. Thanks for pointing this out. It would be great if a WT reference to this teaching could be found.
Now, according to wt teaching, the great crowd does not really exist yet, or , anymore,, because the great tribulation has not started yet. and when it does, the GB, all anointed will be already gone.
I didn't realize this either. So, the leaders are justified before God now, get raptured and the future Tribulation believers get saved by their works; Is that it? But, where does that leave JW believers NOW?
I guess they are now encouraged to just die if they want assurance so that they can wake up in paradise?