On the anniversary of Anthony Morris' Resignation

by Vanderhoven7 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vanderhoven7

    Strange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about Anthony's resignation.

    Grant Davus writes:

    • The Announcement

    A great deal can be read into the way in which it was announced.

    “Brother Anthony Morris III is no longer serving as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

    How about “It is with great regret that we have to announce that due to failing health . . . etc.”?

    The lack of context and a consoling message places this announcement in the same league as

    “Joe Bloggs in no longer a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

    • Past Behaviour

    There have been many past rumours about his drinking which, though unconfirmed, do match the Bottlegate affair when Tony Morris was recorded buying half a dozen bottle of McAllans scotch at $80 a bottle on a Sunday morning and the slurred delivery of many of his talks and broadcasts. Here the empirical evidence tends to back rumour.

    • Protocol

    Notable is the fact that Governing Body members cease their position when they die. Even when they become less active and retire, they are still classed as one of the Governing Body; we can assume he didn’t retire.

    Unless Tony Morris himself breaks ranks or someone with a genuine inside track provides more detail, Watchtower, as a highly secretive organisation, will certainly not provide any further information.

    On balance, particularly the curt delivery of the message, it’s more reasonable to assume Tony Morris didn’t jump; he was pushed.

    Thank you


  • DesirousOfChange
    Watchtower, as a highly secretive organization, will certainly not provide any further information.

    True. But JWs R&F have the loosest lips of any one group when it comes to gossiping. It's absolutely astonishing to me that there has been no reported "sighting" of him by JWs or ex-JWs in two years.

  • Biahi

    I’m sure he gets to live in his free housing as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

  • FedUpJW

    I admit it tends to be a bit of hearsay, I did however last summer visit with a fellow who still talks to me when we see each other, which is admittedly very seldom as he resides in New York. As he is in very close contact with Warwick personnel he told me that the reason Morris is not a governing body member is severe advanced dementia along with the mental and emotional effects becoming more obvious. I have never known that person to lie to me, or to pass along idle gossip, and I've known him for nearly 55 years.

  • Journeyman

    After this time there are now two mysteries surrounding AMIII - not only the first one, which Vanderhoven spells out so well, of "what actually happened to topple him from his seat on the GB?" but also now, "where is he and what has he been doing since then?"

    Although I recall there was strong evidence found of his settling in Lumberton, North Carolina (two documents showing properties purchased by WT in the same street), we've heard nothing for ages about sightings of him at any Kingdom Hall, or out on the street, at a supermarket or wherever. Not even of him appearing on Zoom to give a comment at a meeting, or anything.

    It's as though he's vanished off the face of the earth. Is he even still associating with other JWs, or has he become a recluse? Has he gone "inactive" because he's ashamed or embittered about what happened?

  • ThomasDam21

    I highly doubt that Morris just quit for health reasons and there was not a sorrow full announcement about it. Brother Morris has become ill bla bla bla. He was pushed out or he would be at Wallkill today. He obviously has a drinking issue and is most likely an alcoholic.

    That could be one reason. Another could be that Morris was one of the very hard liners. As we watch this cult start to try to be less dictatorial or at least appear that way as secular criticism ramps up, he may have pushed back on the way the cult has tried to soften its image. Could be a combination of the two. It has been surprisingly quiet about this. No scuttlebutt from any good sources. One thing is obvious, he was given a home and most likely a stipend to live on.

  • Diogenesister
    Fedup exjwAs he is in very close contact with Warwick personnel he told me that the reason Morris is not a governing body member is severe advanced dementia along with the mental and emotional effects becoming more obvious. I have never known that person to lie to me, or to pass along idle gossip, and I've known him for nearly 55 years.

    Is it possible that senior-ish members of Bethel have been told this but that given that it may be true he has cognitive decline of some form, there is still more to why Ant Mo was "pushed" rather than left *only* due to health?

    The reason I ask is that there is no reports of his wife - whom you would think would still be attending meetings in some form if his leaving was only related to health, doing so?

  • DesirousOfChange
    he told me that the reason Morris is not a governing body member is severe advanced dementia

    I can't believe they would delete all of his videos from the website if it were merely a heath issue from advancing age. If that were the case, I think he would still hold an honorary position as a GB member, even though they may not consider his opinions or decisions on matters.

  • Balaamsass2

    Tony was an ass on the platform. No doubt an even bigger one in person.

    Can you imagine trying to effect any change with a guy like him in an elder body? Old "roast the heretics like a hotdog" and pass me another drink, had to go.

    Getting kicked off the GB and out of Bethel broke the proud stiff-necked ass. He is probably drowning himself in scotch at home streaming old movies in his recliner. Probably has groceries and booze delivered. He has contacts in the area from when he was a CO for basic needs.

  • liam

    I would think if he had Dementia, they would honor him even more. Possibly even writing an article of his faithfulness to the end. That's what most people would do to someone that is beloved and honored.

    Instead, Nothing was said.

    All his videos were Removed.

    And trace of him, any heads-up- on how's he doing..........ERASED!

    The only thing they didn't do was what they have said they would do to Apostates if the law allowed.


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