Its relevant to recall that when Ray Franz was removed from the Governing Body, all the books he had either co-wrote or organized were immediately removed from global circulation. Remember too, how the Society has gone to the effort of modifying publication covers, just to remove one individual from its art work. Why? To clearly unperson them. Thus demonstrating that it has been a long standing GB policy, to remove (or rather scrub away) anyone or anything that is perceived to embarrassment to their reputation.
On the anniversary of Anthony Morris' Resignation
by Vanderhoven7 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yup, credit where credit’s due…
…they’ve done a first-rate job Stalining him out of existence.
If it is true that he is dealing with cognitive decline and the response from the rest of the GB is to bury him, I have to think that one of two things must be true:
1. He was one miserable asshole.
2. His fellow GB members are a collection of miserable assholes.
Why not explain that he was stepping down due to health? That would be perfectly reasonable.
I hope that he was pushed out in some sort of power struggle. If the GB are the kind of people who would treat him like this because of mental decline, that is very, very messed up.
Relatively few people at Bethel have day-to-day contact with governing body members, and even fewer converse with them daily. Those that do, can keep secrets well.
I traveled 3xs a week to meetings and service with Knorr's personal secretary for a year,(district overseer) and he never ONCE talked about his job or Knorr. I got more info from a Bethel nurse friend about the condition of GB members. Don't rely on random Bethelites for any accurate information.
My wife and I both had JW alcoholic parents. It is a real issue in the Borg. It makes a person unpredictable and difficult.
St George of England
All his videos were Removed.
@liam That's not actually true. If you go on to jw dot org, videos and type in the search Anthony Morris you will find loads of his videos. That is how I found the GB update where he said they will NEVER change. I posted that a couple of days ago.
I can't believe they would delete all of his videos from the website if it were merely a heath issue from advancing age.
All his videos were Removed.
They haven't all been removed. There is at least 18 on their website. Repeating an untruth over and over does not do any of us here any favors.
I stand by what I said.
We would still not know why Chitty resigned in 1979 if Ray Franz who was kicked out in 1980 would have not told about it in his book in 1983.
In other words: we might never know more about Tony - unless another GB member is kicked out and decides to tell us what happened.
Repeating an untruth over and over does not do any of us here any favors.
Sorry for the misquote. I was just recanting when I read from others here. Cold day in hell when I go to the JW website to inventory his videos. (Although I think he was probably the best speaker of the GB.)
Splitting hairs about 'ALL' the videos being removed.
Regardless of there still being some there, it was very clear that they removed a lot and even took him out of photos and redid audio recordings. Surely there was a reason for that, that has nothing to do with health issues.
Ten bucks says it was to give the “subtle” impression that he was no longer to be viewed as an acceptable teacher.