Great news!! Cracks are showing!!! lol
Something's happening in India
by blankspace 50 Replies latest members private
1. The whole branch committee (all but one) has been removed and replaced by non-Indians. The only BC member remaining is a non-resident Indian.
So how do you continue to serve in India....with this going on? Maybe with all of these current layoffs and removal of Elders within the India Bethel Branch just maybe you can point to that as a big stumbling block........with both set of parents. You can't be DF for being stumbled it could be the rational for your leaving. For your taking a 'break' from all things JW.......for just a while........ perhaps for ever.
Time to go home, concentrate on your new business and and start a family.
I’m just curious, about your thoughts on this. Is the jw religion in India quite different to the jw religion in the West. With regard to back handers, corruption, and passing a blind eye to serious sin. Would it be possible to buy ones way out of a JC. Could I live a double life quite openly there. With all due respect (as with most countries around the world) the issue of sexual and physical abuse of children is quite high in india. Would this also be reflected amongst the JWs.
the simple fact is nothing is happening in India, the population continues to grow at break neck speed, highly likley militant Hinduism increases same for Islam, not taking away the torment and struggles that the active jw's may have had to suffer because of the jw bigwigs coming in and making wholesale changes and not giving a shite about the consequences of their actions, India and China are both quite similar in regards to the so called huge growth that was meant to be happening, it just hasn't happened nor will ever happen, both countries approaching 2.5 billion inhabitants and a mere handful of jw's, god certainly isnt speeding the work up there, the celestial chariot is being puled by a donkey
Thanks for the info. It certainly bears watching. Anybody else got any news from there?
Interesting news. Can anyone corroborate from a separate source? Not that I don't trust OP source, but with regard to due diligence would be nice to have corroboration before taking it too seriously. Would also be very interesting to know further details... lets hope we get more leaks about this.
I too would like to just know how things really are for the JWs in India, what the real situation is.
Blankspace, I think you could just use this as an excuse to tell the elderly ones that the situation has changed, and you need to leave India. They won't know nor do they need to know all the other details.... then just move somewhere you want to be, away from all the JW relatives.
I may have already mentioned this but a family member and spouse were asked to leave Indian bethel a short time ago. They’re now need-greaters renting a small place in a village somewhere and living off their savings (and paying for medical bills that came from a result of lifestyle/pollution there) . I’ll dig around to see if I can get any info but being on the receiving end of a cold shoulder I don’t think I’ll find out much. :(
when I see a post like yours though blank space, it gives me hope that one day (even if it puts them through “temporary insanity” as it did to me), this Uber jw part of my family sees light.
My thoughts are with you on ur fade
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.
As Doubtful1799 said above, I would be interested in further proof of this.
It seems so incredible.
The Fall Guy
Great potential for growth on this forum!