Something's happening in India

by blankspace 50 Replies latest members private

  • sillygirlforgotpassword

    Ps. Family member who was ousted was in service department.

    Purported reason going around is that NRIs (non resident Indians) bring in non taxed money?!!!

    Local JWs with their heads in the sand accept this senseless information, no questions asked. When I raised this with another close family I was told these were the last days and trials start in jehovahs own house.

    *shrugs shoulders*

  • JakeM2012

    I agree with Gordiano, with that going on at the branch, a move by you and your husband would be a small asterisk in the references in the back of a book, meaning, no one would notice. Jehovah has provided a diversion for your escape. Notice that WT doesn't give notice to volunteers about their removal, why should anyone else?

  • Vidiot

    Do churches have tax-exemption in India?

    If so, maybe the WTS sees losing theirs (or worse) on the horizon, and are liquidating themselves out while the liquidation is still good.

  • alecholmesthedetective
    Great potential for growth on this forum!

    'Hail the Theocracy ever decreasing
    Wondrous expansion is not taking place!'

  • SnakesInTheTower

    In 2006 I was dating online a sister from India. I spoke with someone in Service back then about her, verifying stories. Absolutely Indian JW can bribe their way out of a JC, her ex husband did. WT India is VERY different than WT in the US.

    Thankfully when I arrived in S. India to meet in person, she ended it with me the next day. Shortly after I left WT for good.

    As a a side note, I married a good Catholic girl instead. Tomorrow, July 27 is our 7th anniversary. LOL

  • neverendingjourney
    Thankfully when I arrived in S. India to meet in person, she ended it with me the next day.

    That's a long way to go to get dumped. Glad it worked out in the end, though.

    Hope you were at least able to catch some sights while you were there.

  • LongHairGal


    I’m glad you ended up with a nice girl. It worked out for the best.

    As far as corruption in India, I have heard this before and not just from JWs. Sometimes cultural things are so deeply entrenched that even the controlling JW religion cannot root them out. Even though I don’t like the JW religion, I can see them pulling up stakes somewhere if they feel the people are impossible.

  • blankspace

    @sillygirlforgotpassword - Yes I recall you mentioning about your relatives. If they were in the service department, they'll definitely know about the layoffs. I haven't heard anything related to NRIs and money coming into the country, but that may possibly be true. And if it is, then the WT will be in big trouble because the Indian government is cracking down on all foreign funds...even personal funds. Churches in India are not tax exempt - rather, they're not allowed to get foreign funds and one of the society's bank accounts is still frozen. If they're found using legal loopholes they're going to be shut down pretty fast. It's going to be interesting to watch.

    I understand that the news on the whole seems incredible, but it's definitely happening. Also, two service department members were also on the BC. Which means that they too were removed as elders and this was announced (people are still reeling under the shock) at their local congregations.

    As far as corruption goes, I don't think that corruption at the branch is any different in India than other countries. Politics at bethel...definitely yes. Corruption...well, Warwick has tightened things so much that there's no chance for bribes - at least not at bethel. I do know that there are/were some very strong company men there - those who have been around for decades at bethel and some have even been sent to clean up apostasy. Among those who were removed as elders were also some very humane brothers who put people first ahead of rules. So it's a mixed crowd. I do know there's a measure of corruption in some local congregations. We spent some time with a circuit overseer who told us some stories that make for good gossip - but I'll definitely be outed if I write them now. But what I can say is, much of the corruption has been cracked down and entire bodies of elders thrown out. The cultural pull is still prevalent, though. And so is patriarchy.

    I don't know what the reason is for the removal at bethel and for all these changes. I wonder if @MaxPayne knows anything. Or if there's anyone else here from India?

  • MaxPayne

    What Blankspace mentioned regarding Indian Nationals being removed and replaced by Non-Indians at the Branch Committee is true.

    One evidence of this was at the regional conventions over the past two weekends, where the branch representatives were Persons of Indian origin but not Indian citizens. They couldn't speak Hindi at all (the language of the RC). This was quite odd as the speakers from Branch Committee were always Hindi language speakers.

    As far as the reasons for the dissolving of the service and legal department and deletion of elders are concerned, I am not aware of the precise details.

    If we were to assume that this was due to the handling of judicial/legal cases, then it could be attributed to the announcement regarding accusations of Child trafficking on the JW Login tab regarding.

    Also the ones at the service department had made some weird changes to some Hindi circuits last year that caused the brothers to complain and write to the Bethel.

    Blankspace, if you do have more information please let us know about it.



  • Xanthippe
    Oh dear! We drove past Christian churches when I was in India, not very fancy but they had crosses on.
    Christianity is India's third most followed religion according to the census of 2011, with approximately 28 million followers, constituting 2.3 percent of India's population. It is traditionally believed that Christianity was introduced to India by Thomas the Apostle, who supposedly landed in Kerala in 52 AD.

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