Is humanity only 6000 years old like the witnesses say? Here is an interesting link to drawings found in a cave in France. These drawings are older than 6000 years. Could there have been some intelligent life before Adam?
How old is Humanity?
by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends
I know for a fact humanity is at least 45 years old. That's as far back as I can remember. Beyond that I can't say for certain. Maverick
It seems most likely there was...because there hasn't been a whole lot since.
"Paleolithic" art or "Stone-Age" Art is found all across the world. Man's earliest attempts at capturing his universe with paints and dyes date back 10,000-40,000 years ago.The work of these early artists can still be seen on the walls of Caves and protected cliffs in France, Baja, South America, Australia, and many other yet undiscovered places.
This relates to art.....not mans beggining......but it does give a different perspective than the christian view of mans age.
I hate to become known as the "fricking evolution freak" of the board.
The question requires a biased answer in the form of another question: What makes us human?
If you believe we evolved into what we now call humans then it is an arbitrary line in time from our mother Mitochondrial Eve.
I hate to become known as the "fricking evolution freak" of the board. frickin evolutionary monkey lovin freak!
Spank my monkey Gumby!!!
Adam? As in the Adam and Eve?
About 2600 years ago, the Greek philosopher Solon visited a priest of the Goddess Neith in Egypt. Solon wrote about his experiences and claimed that he was shown astronomical records which documented every solar and lunar eclipse for the previous 10,000 years. If these records really existed, they would push the existence of civilization back far beyond what is known today. It is possible that such records were lost in later times, for example in early 400's, when the Library at Alexandria was burned.
The famous 'Iceman' who was found in a glacier about 10 years ago was carrying an axe made of copper (or possibly bronze, can't recall right now), and he lived more than 5000 years ago.
'Humanity' would probably have existed a long, long time before 'civilization'. If you accept that people who used fire, made tools from stone, and buried their dead with flowers and possessions are 'human', then Neanderthals were doing these things perhaps 250,000 years ago. Other hominids are believed to have been using fire even before then.
The oldest ever Homo sapiens remains was found in Ethiopia, and it is dated 160,000-year-old.