My mother told me that an 81 year old sister was told that if she was not legally handicapped and had the plate to prove it----the police could come into the parking lot and have her car towed! When she mentioned that there are more spaces available and not used and that she regularly transports another handicapped person that does not drive, they reiterated the same comments about it being against the law to park her car there and that she could get fined , ticketed and towed......So, she stayed home the next meeting. Now, she's going to ask her "unbelieving, worldy" husband who is also in his 80's if he'd be willing to give her and her friend a ride, especially as the weather will get worse and her eyes are not very good to begin with.......Interesting, huh??
Elders Threaten To Tow Elderly Sister's Car For Parking In Handicapped Area
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
can you feel the love?!
Lady Lee
Legally to use public handicapped parking spaces she does require the sticker or permit and have it visible.
But the police will not come onto private property and enfoce that rule unless the elders call them and ask them to enforce it.
Unbeliveable that they would be so nasty
Actually the elders were doing a good thing (for a change) to protect her from a ticket. In this state it's a $150 fine for the first offense. You must display a hang tag from your mirror indicating that you have the proper handicap permit. I doubt the elders would call the police, but who knows. Here the police have a special detail assigned to look for handicap parking scoflaws.
she regularly transports another handicapped person that does not drive
Then that handicapped person may have or can get a handicapped hanging card that can be used on any vehicle. All she needs is for her doctor to sign off on the DMV form and turn that it with a small fee. That is what I use. Then I can get a ride from anyone and hang the card in the window and we can legally park in those spots.
I agree that someone at the KH would have to turn her into the police. They won't be patrolling the parking lot.
How cruel! I guess it didn't occur to any of those jackasses to offer to get her a ride to the KH.
This sister can hardly walk! And she's a terrible driver.......In that area, the only way the cops would come onto religious property would be because someone called them. She parks there regularly because she brings a handicapped sister with her, along with her handicapped posting sign. However, if the sister can't go to the meeting, the woman goes alone. She always parks there. in 1 of 4 spots. Personally, I know of no reason not to let her park there except to follow the "letter of the law".
If the sister she is transporting is legally handicapped, she can bring her hanging tag along and put it on the rearview mirror of her vehicle.
But, min, did the elders actually threaten to have the vehicle towed themselves? Or that they would set the cops on her? Or did they just explain to her the possibility that it could happen? Although, I tend to agree with Lee that the cops aren't likely to patrol the KH's private parking lot looking for violators.
They are probably doing this b/c it has been on TV lately that they are cracking down on people who park in handicapped spaces. But again, an example of their black/white thinking. The KH is private property, and no one would bother them unless elders called and reported it. They have no common sense. They are also running afraid due to people saying they violate laws and don't report things. Way to go-let a child molester go free, but report a 81 yr old lady.
Good point, Wed......They're less concerned with reporting molesters.........The elders did not say THEY would call the cops or have her towed.They intimated strongly, that somehow, some way, police action could be taken against her if she parked there. I seem to think that someone must've complained again about this, as I remember a couple of people getting very upset that another elderly, infirm sister parked there a few years ago. When I was secretay, I was asked how many handicapped signs we should order. I said, "3 or 4". I envisioned that although at the time we only had 1 to fit this category, others were on the way to possibly needing them. Because there are 4 prime spots with signs on them, suddenly, the same handicapped people that park there cannot do so. I should've said we should order 1 or 2.
you know, MIm, when my mother was alive, i took her to the meetings as often as i could stand it. Eventually, i became ill, and we did not get there too often. I found the brothers helpful with parking. They allowed us to park in the handicapped, but many a time, it would be full, and someone who really did not need it( i know b/c i watched to see who parked there) would park in the spaces.But as i said, i have been seeing htis on TV lately. They are going to "crack down" on people who violate this law. Problably the elders are responding to this . But really, use some common sense, it is their property, and if they know who is parked there, well it ought to be ok. The only snag i can thiink of is if a "worldly" person coming to the meetings wanted to park there and reported someone for illegally parking there.Then it might be a problem.
Although they were helpful with parking, i have had people let doors slam in my mom's face,(her in a wheelchair) people step on her feet b/c they are so rude they don't look where they are walking, People who never even said hello , when gettting to the meeting was a tremendous task for her and me too. All and all, they re the rudest people i have ever had the occ to meet.