I still believe in God but

by azaria 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel


    Sorry you are feeling isolated and alone! Regarding all the advice on belief about God or not, I can tell you that I spent three or four years intensly trying to resolve the issue for myself. Finally I declared myself agnostic as it was the only honest position to take. If you have conflicting evidence, some would say no evidence, yet your whole upbringing has been based on the affirmation of the existence of a creator, you will be hard pressed to take any other position and remain intellectually honest. It was nearly 18 years after I left the Borg that I experianced things and understood things to the point that the scales were tipped back toward belief in a surpreme being. It was through a process of using what I learned in my academic persuits that I was able to weigh the evidence more objectively than the religious melue of any church or cult provide. I hope you remain open minded and skeptical. It will be your best defense from hucksters that are out to convert you. When you find the "truth" (sorry for the word) you will be attracted both intellectually and from the heart, if it ever happens! You won't need a "religious used car salesman" to seal the deal.


  • FlyingHighNow


    I told you I'd come and read and comment and so here I am. I see here that you not only have drawn some very thoughtful replies but you have attracted the attention of some of the more serious posters from JWD.

    I live in West Michigan and it seems like you can't drive down any major street here without passing a CRC within every couple of miles. I thought this was the spookiest thing when I got here almost two years ago. I had never seen one CRC much less hundreds of CRCs.

    I have learned one huge lesson from searching diligently for the truth and for the true God. You can open yourself to unscrupulous men and women as well as unscrupulous religions.

    I know this may sound bewildering to you; but here is how I feel: I fell for one big religion telling me they have the truth. I was taken advantage of and very hurt by them. I am not going to allow this to happen to me again as long as I am able minded.

    I had an epiphany the other day. I figured out that it's very possible we are not going to know the complete truth here on earth. Probably no church or religion has the complete unadulterated truth. Perhaps it's not meant to be that God operates through any one religion.

    I believe when Jesus gathered the little children and said that we should become like them he was saying much more than one might think. I am blessed with being able to remember my baby and child thoughts and feelings about God. I am remembering more everyday about the child view of God I had. It was very pure and God was all love. He was not a rule maker or a condemner. He loved me unconditionally and the thought never occurred to me that God could give up on someone. I never dreamed God could hurt anyone much less condemn them to hell or non existence. He was like a kindly father or grandfather that you could disappoint but he wouldn't give up on you.

    I feel like it's very possible when each of us dies, God will be like the Wizard of Oz. He'll tell us we never had to leave Kansas to find our heart's desire. We had it with us all along. Can you remember your earliest thoughts on God? Say, when you were two or three years old? I hope you were allowed to view him as he is. 1John 4:8 says he is Love. I think any church who teaches of him as unloving, and lots of them do, is ignoring that scripture.

    By the way, my fiance was raised Catholic. His sister just graduated from a Catholic College in 2002. She became very devout and also very controlled and miserable because of the ill treatment she received from her by-the-book Catholic friends. She has decided to ease up and not be so strict. Catholicism was so hard on my fiance that he will never go back to it. For him it was not as severe as JWs but close in many ways.

    I am not saying don't go to the Catholic Church. I am saying that you should be very cautious of thinking you will find absolute truth there. You might try the Anglican Church, too. I was raised in this church. They took the good things about Catholicism and weeded out the bad. The rituals are very similar and beautiful. I don't think they have they truth anymore than any other church but they are not staunch and they don't try to rule your life and they don't claim to be God's only church.

    One thing I do know. I know there is a God. I only have to look at babies and children and the love they give and the amount of love we feel for them and know there is a God. Babies do not fear death. They trust that they will be taken care of and cherished. Try to find your way back to that view of God.

    Go to church if you want, but don't expect to find the complete truth there. Look in your heart and trust that the creator will take care of you and he will let you know what is going on in the hereafter. He loves everyone. He provides hope for us all. Anyone who tells you God only loves you if you do this or do that is out to control you. Look at God as small child looks at God and I bet you will be a lot happier than looking at God as adults look at God. Adults over complicate God and they project their pickiness and need to control onto him.


  • Aztec
    I do feel hopeful that I will find the truth.

    I think that's what we all want Azaria. We just search it out in differant ways. Much success to you!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I have not rejected God; I have rejected a doctrine-a belief of a man and his followers.

    And that is where I am. I am so burned out on religion and doctrine I doubt very seriously I will ever walk into another church again.

    But I still believe in God. I also believe that if God thinks my relationship with him is dependent on what building I go to or religion to belong to, then I will trust he show me. Until then, I have let go and let God lead where he needs to.

  • gumby


  • azaria

    Gumby, thanks for the chuckle. If I remember right you don't believe in God and I have to respect that. The fact that both believers and non-believers can be concerned for one another is proven here on this board. Thanks

    Flying High Now: As I stated before I just don't have the time to answer each poster. I wish I could. I agree with a lot that you say. I read something the other day and I can't remember where, about the difference between Mysticism and Theology. I hope I get this right, but you get the general drift. Mysticism is about the heart and soul. Theology is about mind and logic. I tend to be a bit of both. Schizophrenic? I may be too inquisitive for my own good, that I need to know the answer. But my heart says something else. I agree with you that we will never know the answer. I did read an article written by a rabbi once, that he believed that each religion has some truth (that God revealed some truth to the church or synagogue or temple) I don't know if that's true. I do wonder sometimes, that God may be saying this is not what I had in mind. None of you understand. I just want you to love me and to love one another (isn't that the first law; that we are to do just that) But that seems so hard to do on a regular basis, so we fall back on rules. That's why Jesus was mad at the Pharisees, because they believed in rules and rituals, and lacked love in their hearts. It seems easier to us. I do want to belong to a community of believers, maybe because my family lives so far away. As I've mentioned to someone else I may try the Mennonite church. (no not the old order, with horse and buggy) Their faith seems to me, to be more simple. I sometimes wonder why so many documents have to be drawn up by, first the Catholic Church, then through Martin Luther and Calvin and who knows who else. Isn't the Bible more than enough. But that's how I feel at the moment. We do tend to over-complicate things. Of what I've heard of Bono, I have respect for him. It seems he just doesn't talk the talk.

    For now I'm going to leave this Forum. I will try to come back tonight for a while. I may even answer to a post someone else has posted, so I don't feel so selfish and self-centred. But under the circumstances I guess I have that right, a little. Thanks again to everyone. Have a wonderful day.

  • little witch
    little witch

    there, you see Az?

    You must stay involved in your post. What upset you has been remedied by your own involvement!

    I am learning along with you, so I am glad you brought it up. I have a thread that has 5 pages now! Ok, it is fluff, but still....

    We can all relate to what you are feeling.

    On spirituality, I too believe that it is a life long process. There are no "one size fits all" religions...

    To me, this makes the world interesting, and diverse. I love it! Religion is a part of every culture on earth, and I personally feel that there is good in all, if the root of it is love of our fellow man. I do not include self-serving businesses masquerading as religion in my comments though.

    That is the price we pay to be free to express I guess, some will take advantage for profit. That is mixing spirituality with profit, a corruption IMHO.

  • mouthy

    Go to church if you want, but don't expect to find the complete truth there

    Because !!The minit I set foot in ANY church it becomes inperfect!!!!! Why because I am imperfect !!Thanks for your lovely pm to me (((((((hug))))I liked it

  • gumby


    Yes I do believe in a god....but not one like the bible describes.

    That wasn't a chuckle I made....it had to do with this .http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/62999/964963/post.ashx#964963

    I said woops, because I posted to this thread accidentally instead of the other thread.

  • Joker10

    THe Roman Catholic Church is indeed one of the worst religions ever.

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