True, a certain level of secular education may be necessary to obtain employment. But in the time-consuming pursuit of advanced worldly education, some have harmed themselves spiritually.This same crap was published in the sixties. The ones that listened to it in those days are left without a proper education and retirement-pension. The ones that listen to it now are going to befall the same.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-30-03 WT Study
by blondie 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bom dia, avengers.
True, a certain level of secular education may be necessary to obtain employment. But in the time-consuming pursuit of advanced worldly education, some have harmed themselves spiritually
Yes, the WTS let the cat out of the bag in the 90's and has been trying to put it back in ever since. The only thing holding back many JWs is funds. More and more go to community college and the university. The WTS has even been sending Bethelites to law school. But there are the written rules and the unwritten rules. One unwritten rule is that is more acceptable for a boy than a girl to go to college because he will have to support a family.
CC Ryder
Blondie, Great job!!! I enjoyed reading it.
One saying I have come to hate is "Putting on the New Personality". This is my annalogy on that statement:
New Personality= Stop caring for mankind in general (Only show kindness to fellow Dubs), Do not take Blood (even if your loved one will die without it), Do Not give Blood ( even if you will save lives by doing so), Do not donate to "worldly" causes or Oranizations (Just show up at disaster sites and hand out WT dribble), Shun those opposed to the WTS (even when this includes your children, or your mate or best friends), Ignore all the things you hear about the WTS they are false(like child molestation within the Borg, and the protection of those who do it), Believe everything the WTS say's and never question it (even if your own common sense and concience tell you different).....and many, many more!
Old Personality= The opposite of everything above
Which one would you pick?
Thanks again for such a good post!
Good study, Blondie. Here are my comments for the week:
Paragraph 4 describes Paul as a good Witness. Dedication to God is made willingly, not grudgingly . But Saul?s conversion was practically forced upon him. Was Paul?s conversion a model that Witnesses follow today? How long was his book study?
As he was nearing Damascus on this mission, a brilliant light from heaven suddenly beamed down upon him! He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?"
"Who are you, sir?" Saul asked.
And the voice replied, "I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you are to do." (Acts 9:3-6 NLT)
I decided to study further the things Paul gave up as refuse, or garbage, in his life. (Phillipians 3:5-7) Was it inappropriate jobs, friendships, attitudes, personal habits (para 13)? Or was it
- Born in to a religious family (are there JW?s with generational pride?)
- A member of the Pharisees
- Obeyed the strictest laws (are there JW?s who pride themselves in their strict adherence to Jehovah?s requirements?)
- Zealous (are there zealous JW?s held up today as proud examples of faith?)
In my opinion, JW?s are left in a permanent state of infancy, since their own conscientious choices are constantly being questioned by those who ?know better?. They are asked, ?Are you sure?? ?Are you humble enough to accept correction?? Left in this permanently immature state, faithful JW?s continue to be ?tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching? (Eph 4:13, 14 NWT) that the WT offers.
God dag, CCRyder
New Personality= Stop caring for mankind in general (Only show kindness to fellow Dubs), Do not take Blood (even if your loved one will die without it), Do Not give Blood ( even if you will save lives by doing so), Do not donate to "worldly" causes or Oranizations (Just show up at disaster sites and hand out WT dribble), Shun those opposed to the WTS (even when this includes your children, or your mate or best friends), Ignore all the things you hear about the WTS they are false(like child molestation within the Borg, and the protection of those who do it), Believe everything the WTS say's and never question it (even if your own common sense and concience tell you different).....and many, many more!
Old Personality= The opposite of everything above
Great comment, it shows how the WTS wants to squeeze you into their mold, not as the scriptures say, following Christ's steps closely.
Jesus showed love for mankind in general, showing kindness to the Samaritans, other Gentiles, and women.
Jesus administered monies for the poor.
Jesus did not shun the leper or the woman with the bloody discharge in spite of the Law.
Jesus realized that mercy and love was more important than the Law by healing on the Sabbath.
Jesus did not ignore the abuse of the Pharisees but called them out in public on it.
Jesus did not believe everything the Pharisees taught but said they were making God's Word invalid because of it.
Selamat pagi, jgnat
In my opinion, JW?s are left in a permanent state of infancy, since their own conscientious choices are constantly being questioned by those who ?know better?. They are asked, ?Are you sure?? ?Are you humble enough to accept correction?? Left in this permanently immature state, faithful JW?s continue to be ?tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching? (Eph 4:13, 14 NWT) that the WT offers.
Yes, and that is why you find people constantly running to the elders to make sure. Many times the elders turn to their special handbook or letters to the elders to determine what is "right and wrong" because they too have elders they must make an accounting to. Thus the WTS words carry more weight than the Bible.
Will Power
Excellent comments Jgnat, and
Yes, and that is why you find people constantly running to the elders to make sure.
There are so many separate rules that the principals behind them are lost. Therefore the "self-control" is more like the "self being controlled". That is why actions can look so hypocritical to the outside world, yet they don't see it. Something done in good conscience one day, can be found to be a pagan practice of 5,000 years ago, then it must be stopped for fear that a god will think that another is being worshipped in its place - even tho there is supposed to be only 1 God!
WT sees & teaches that they are more spiritual, more worthy, more friendly with the Pliedes sp? resident, and to remind the goats they are not.
Sorry, I just got reminded again and I'm a bit 3@54^#
Will Power
Good work, Blondie. Keep it up! We must fight the darkness!
Thanks for the insight Blondie,
Paul suggested that additional changes might also be necessary, for he continued: "All things are lawful for me; but not all things are advantageous." (1 Corinthians 6:12) Thus, many today who desire to be Jehovah's Witnesses see the need of saying no even to things that although lawful are of no advantage or are of little lasting value. These may be time-consuming and could sidetrack them from pursuing things of greater importance.
Talk about placing burdens on people! So the JW now has to 1. Avoid anything the Society says you should avoid - the extensive list 2. Spend as much time doing society based stuff as humanly possible and then to top it all off 3. Do not spend time doing things which are "of no advantage or are of little lasting value" - this could almost translate as "you cannot relax because its not of lasting value". You might have been slaving all day knocking on doors but then you can't even chill out for a bit???
Reading these articles always reminds me and even surprises me - I don't usually read them and then when I do I realise how totally controlled I used to be.
Sirona -
token service
Now that was a buzz word for a while, making you feel guilty if you did not do 10 hours per month, as opposed to the 2.5 hours I often did and got criticised for bring down the cong average.
Guten tag, Will. Yes, BDs bad, anniversaries good, same reasoning. Pinatas good, now bad. Duh! The WTS is writing a new Talmud.
Czar, "we must fight the darkness," you silly. I only do that for the Jedi lightsaber event.
Sirona, it is amazing how we bought into the party line. Yes, the WTS is writing a new Talmud (where did I hear that?)
AlanB, one of my favorite buzzwords, "token service." I have a search of the WT-CD to find all the mentions of that, too many. I wonder where in the Bible is says that publishers (another non-bible word) have to get in 10 hrs/mo; aux pio 50 and reg pion 70? I don't remember an hourly requirement set for Jeremiah and Peter.
Thanks for the comments. Just a reminder of why we left and what those we love who are still in are dealing with.