Governing body 12 from 1914 generation are dead who are the new members?
by Witness 007 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness 007
The 1990's we thought these guys would see us thru till who are the new "generation" and how old are these youngsters. R.I.P Anthony (Scotch) Morris.
All the Old ones and their ideas that JWs saw as Law are dying out. In comes the new GB with new made man rules everyone gonna see as biblical. Circle continues.
Sea Breeze
“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man" - Jer. 17: 5
We were warned. -
I seem to remember the 1990s being mentioned as a cut off point for the overlapping. So as long as you were ‘called for the heavenly hope’ before 1990s you could be overlapping generation.
I can see this being changed to born before the 1990s which will give them a couple more decades before they have to admit they were wrong about the overlapping new light.
The next new light may be something about a generation could be 100years or more from 1914 but that would be hard to explain and we are already way past 100 years and that generation has all passed away.
Beth Sarim
""All the Old ones and their ideas that JWs saw as Law are dying out. In comes the new GB with new made man rules everyone gonna see as biblical. Circle continues. ""
As long as naieve, gullible people are around to believe it be hoodwinked, the chirade will continue.
I might be totally wrong, but that old group seemed to be really true believers. They also seemed to be more serious and scholarly. The new group is just a bunch of buffoons.
Maybe I feel that way about the old group because they were more hidden and mysterious. They received the Carl Olof Jonsson correspondence and research materials and, to me, didn't handle it as would a group who really loved truth. Their actions seemed to indicate that they were more interested in preserving the org and its status quo than they were finding real truth. Oh well, that's characteristic of the new group. Maybe they were no better.
I think the last GB ( Olds being GB now) really believed in the 1914 theory. And that biblical generation is 70-80 year's. 1990 s come around and org starts it's downhill ride. Maeby they just thought jigs up. This didn't work out as we thought and they just started to let everything hang out. Atleast from what I could see on broadcasting they seemed too have lost all interested in what they we're saying. Former GB members were full av enthusiasm when giving talks. This one been very robotic.
They received the Carl Olof Jonsson correspondence and research materials and, to me, didn't handle it as would a group who really loved truth.
What is this about?