Worldwide Benefits ( USELESSNESS ) of Cart Witnessing

by RULES & REGULATIONS 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

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    2. Meeting Workbooks
    3. Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook | November 2018

    Two brothers doing public witnessing at a cart


    Worldwide Benefits of Cart Witnessing


    According to Acts chapter 5, first-century Christians went to the temple, a public place where many people could be found, in order to share the good news. (Ac 5:19-21, 42) Today, we have seen good results from cart witnessing in public places.


    • Mi Jung You does public witnessing at a cart; Jacob Salomé; Annies and her husband doing public witnessing at a cart

      When and how did cart witnessing begin?

    • What advantages does a mobile cart often have over a table?

    • What can we learn from the experience of Mi Jung You?

    • How does the experience of Jacob Salomé illustrate the value of cart witnessing?

    • What does the experience of Annies and her husband teach us about how to witness effectively when using a cart?

      I found a video on youtube where the Worldwide benefits of cart witnessing is displayed. It looks like early morning, while the outdoor mall looks closed. There are no pedestrians or shoppers visible. We see four sisters talking to each other while counting field service hours. What a fine way to count hours and show what a waste of time cart witnessing really is.


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  • slimboyfat

    The effect is hard to quantify because there will be people who have been influenced to return to JWs just because of the increased visibility in the community and the reminder that JWs are still around that the carts provide for POMI people out there. Plus advertising like this has an effect on the public in general in gaining recognition and acceptance for a message over a long period that again is hard to quantify. Persistence is paramount in any advertising campaign and JWs certainly have that.

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  • ThomasMore

    The carts are often seen in my area, but I have NEVER seen anyone talking to them. Not even once after many years. Really - not even one time. Zilch, nada.

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  • dropoffyourkeylee

    LOL the video showing the cart near the Downer's Grove IL station.... I've drive by that exact spot before

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  • Balaamsass2

    Well once again they cam up with a way for lowly publishers to foot the bill for Watchtower's advertising.

    Since I left I find it amusing to read what the neighbors have to say on the new neighborhood social media/neighborhood watch site "NEXTDOOR" every time JWs work ANY neighborhood in my medium size city of 90k. About 30-50% of the neighbors are signed up and quite a few have the new camera doorbells. The threads get a lot of comments. #1. Anyone know who this is? #2. What religion or product is this? #3. Why are they bothering me? #4 Why don't they bother people at their own church? #5 Various comments on dresses. lol :smile: Overall 90% of the comment are very negative...sometimes a JW/family member jumps in to defend the JWs.

    At least with the cart witnessing no one will complain about "sketchy people" bothering them at home. lol.

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  • WTWizard

    I have about as much use for those rags as for a bag of Doritos or a pack of cancer sticks. And I would treat those carts as I would for one of those other useless products--let them waste their time and energy pushing that littera-trash. As for the benefits, about all it does is allows those tubs of lard to pious-sneer without so much as getting a single step of exercise, and you don't even get to exercise what little of your brain is left between being ruined by the Doritos and corrupted by the cult.

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  • Vidiot

    I remember how the Plain Truth guys used to do this…

    …and my loyal elder Dad criticized it as “unchristian” or whatever.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    #4. They absolutely do not give attention to members who need charity because of age/illness.

  • ThomasMore

    Road to nowhere - JWs consider it Corban.

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  • Biahi

    Drop off your key, Lee, they are out in front of the French Market in Wheaton, every Saturday.

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