Roadie - i was just told that my end of life directive should list an elder I hardly know over pimo and df children
Isn't it revolting what the cult expects and thinks is reasonable.
by punkofnice 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Roadie - i was just told that my end of life directive should list an elder I hardly know over pimo and df children
Isn't it revolting what the cult expects and thinks is reasonable.
Yes - GB want the money and assets left to them in the wills of those they smugly abandon. What's more if they are not dead but have dementia and accidentally hand over £10,000+ more than they intended, this so called charity, doesn't promptly hand the money back.
Regarding robots - I have been told I got them just right in my cartoon.
Wombaticus Orgiaticus - Introducing the Species
If you like part 1, here's part2
Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan?
I'll just leave these here...
The congregation,
interestinglynaturally, has shownvery littleno support...
This is how I found the CONgregation where my parents lived to be. Once my parents health failed and the cash stopped flowing towards JW's they became persona non grata. The SOB's will bind heavy loads on the rank and file but never lift a finger to help.
@ truth_b_known
Great revision on that parable. However, may I be so bold as to change the last few sentences?
The next day he took out two quid, gave them to the innkeeper, and said: ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I return.' Upon hearing of the apostate's kindness the circuit overseer, and the elder enlisted a third elder; and promptly disfellowshipped the victim of the robbers while he was still in poor health at the inn for "associating" with the apostate and not showing up for his inquisition.
Sorry, I could not help but remember what happened after a car accident to my former sister-in-law, and how two self-righteous, pompous elders treated her.
Maybe someone can read the CO these scriptures as to who the real apostates are:
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:3
and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is already in the world at this time.
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, refusing to confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.
Here we see it's ones that denies the Christ. I'm not an apostate for I still believe in the Christ. Their interpretation of the word Apostate is someone who left JW.Org which by the way is not in the bible
We also had a nightmare of an experience where we had to move to be left alone and then three months after we had moved came down with cancer. Didn't know anyone and had to deal with learning about the cancer. No friends, no family and no children to help us. Just the two of us alone. Such an evil evil cult!
No time spent outside of making money for the cult - no humaneness, kindness, compassion - just recruiting and donating money to WT - just run along the family member is going to die anyway and let the worms take care of it. They love it when the elderly have no JW witness heirs or the cult has nixed any lineage out of the equation -- the Gov Goons inherit more money - more whiskey, designer suits for old goats, silk ties, vacays, design services for their hotel-room penthouse. Has to be quite an expense for maintenance money for the wives' images alone. I highly doubt they still shop at flee markets (unless the witness shuffle from their Saturday service is still in 'em) and the majority are probably aging so not cheap. Takes serious money - pricey. How many bars/clubs do they have in the compound (mini country club) or do they imbibe alone in their high-rise cell. No Christmases, Valentines, Birthdays, etc., etc., when that money can be dumped into the cult's beg boxes. Holidays aren't more fake than their supernatural crazy and delusional death promises but the minions hang on to the fantasies - on and on. Plus the peer pressure fear of losing their friends/status.
Society has certainly failed humans - so weak.
road to nowhere -- oh wow re/"end of life directive" -- it's been obvious for decades what this is about. Believe me, they'll have to deal with about 8 trustees (re any JW heirs of mine) and probate hitters - they're getting nothing of mine. Anything left after heirs (dolled out via trustees) will go to the dog shelters. I've heard from professional bethelites how they run their legal in - (they're nothing but hawks) to grab the estates when people die.
Road to Nowhere: Family business. PERIOD
I was just told that my end of life directive should list an elder I hardly know over pimo and df children.
THIS kind of thing is appalling. I've seen it here. How dare they suggest that the "brothers" (ugh) are a better person to have legal authority over a person than their own children, who just happen to not be JWs. Somehow, that can't be legal. It's certainly not appropriate.
I can't believe the sheep follow along with this and don't think anything about it. No common sense whatsoever.