
by punkofnice 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_b_known

    “A man was going down from London to Salisbury and fell victim to robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went off, leaving him half-dead. Now by coincidence a Circuit Overseer was going down on that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise, an Elder, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the opposite side. But a certain apostate traveling the road came upon him, and at seeing him, he was moved with pity. So he approached him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he mounted him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two quid, gave them to the innkeeper, and said: ‘Take care of him, and whatever you spend besides this, I will repay you when I return.’ Who of these three seems to you to have made himself neighbor to the man who fell victim to the robbers?” He said: “The one who acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus then said to him: “Silly Rabbi, disfellowshipping if for those who associate with apostates.”

  • LongHairGal


    Back when I was active in the religion years ago, there was an elderly lady whose non-JW relatives moved her to an undisclosed location. An older sister said the family probably moved her so she wouldn’t be influenced in a weakened state to give her money away. Now I understand.

    I wouldn’t want any of them to come near me. I couldn’t stand being around the religion now asking for money - and from people they criticized as ‘unspiritual’ for working full time..Imagine the audacity?

    All the other accounts on this thread telling about callous and unfeeling Witnesses who would rather get those hours in instead of visiting Old Sister Sick, just drives the point home about this being an unnatural cult.. Well, I hope these f#cking brown-noses and pioneers can put food on their table because they’d get Nothing from me!..Let them ask their ‘spiritual’ friends.

  • WTWizard

    We'll have to find out if it's allowed?

    Why do they need permission from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger for everything? By the time all the yes's and no's get sorted out, the father is going to be dead. And for what? What are they going to do, disfellowship the father for associating with an apostate after the father is dead?

    And what's with this always checking with higher ups for permission? This is with everything. You want a job, you need to check with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or with a hounder-hounder? By the time you get cleared, the offer is gone. And so is your income potential. Then you get a job that pays garbage, is lousy, and drains you--and joke-hova blessed you? Or, more likely, cursed you by taking a good job out from under you so you would get this trash job.

    Or, with marriage? They are always so permission-seeking that, by the time it clears, the window of opportunity is closed. They find some flimsy pretext that "they are too new" or "too weak" for you, and by the time that gets "fixed", someone else gets the spouse.

    If this is what joke-hova and/or jesus wants, then I would rather check with Satan and the Demons instead. At least that way, any "No" would be simply a bad compatibility situation, not simply because someone wishes to hold you up with your life until the opportunity closes.

  • smiddy3

    The other side of the coin to this is that the elderly and infirm Jehovah`s Witnesses who have given their life to the religion are now left to rely on the Christian religions that the WT has told them to condemn all of there lives yet they are the ones that take them in and give them all of the assistance and health care they need.

  • punkofnice

    All your comments are valued by myself. I'm a bit behind in my replies, so thanks to all those I haven't responded to personally.

  • oppostate
    CO pauses. 'Well, we'll have to see if he's allowed to visit you.'

    If he'd said that to my face I'd have wanted to punch him right on his blabbering mouth! Company drone jerk!

  • neverendingjourney

    There was an elderly woman in a neighboring hall who reaped her reward for relying on "the friends" to take care of her. She was baptized during the 1950s in Yankee Stadium. She and her husband left their former lives behind and converted while none of their siblings followed suit. They had one special needs child.

    By the time I became aware of her, her son and husband had died and she had no JW family members. She had soft-shunned her family as was expected of loyal JWs back then, so there wasn't much of a connection there. As her health deteriorated, she was placed in assisted living. The "friends" got tired of her fast. She'd often be left waiting by the curb side as her designated ride would "forget" to pick her up for the meetings.

    After she became too much of a hassle, the elders decided to put her in a proper nursing home and that was pretty much the end of her. All the joy was zapped out of her life. The "friends" rarely dropped by to visit. She only had the "privilege" of calling into the hall to listen to the meetings. Nobody would actually bother to take her to any.

    She died alone and severely depressed. Hardly anyone went to her funeral.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Years ago I ran into my former boss, a JW lady who didn't know I was no longer apart of the religion. She wasn't pioneering at the moment and explained how she'd been taking care of her ill mother-in-law.

    That was great but then she said "That's been my service to Jehovah" She felt she had to say that because, this religion puts itself first above any act of kindness. Just so I wouldn't think she was slacking.

  • LongHairGal


    The story you relate about that elderly sister who died depressed and alone is sad. But, I have to say that the shunning routine she practiced towards her family had a consequence, sadly....It is called “you reap what you sow”.

    Even if she didn’t have much of a family to start with, if she had loving relations with even one of them things could have turned out differently for her later on!. I’m sorry she listened to the callous JW religion. What a lie to suggest that strangers are going to care about you more than your flesh and blood.. She should’ve kept her mouth shut with the JWs and associated with a relative once in a while.

    This is why when I began my ‘fade’ almost twenty years ago I reconnected with non-Witness relatives before it was too late! I’m so thankful I did this in addition to keeping my job until Retirement!

  • LV101

    LHG - Very sad. Amazing to what extent the Sheeple JWs go to for the religion. They want their god's blessing and everlasting life to the point they nix their own lives.

    Yrs. ago I read that a team of psychologists determined the JW religion was one of the most successful, highly, effective, mind-control, organizations, around. The magazines brainwash and the rest is all the meetings, etc. I get why the freedom of religion is important in this country but people need to be protected and know the facts before they sign their life, family, monies, away. I watch the Oxygen programs and can't believe my ears - it's worse than I ever thought.

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