Senator Bednar Leaves Watchtower!

by Voyager 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Guest 77
  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Min, by the time they get to read all the posts, they'll get the drift.

    Guest 77

  • Voyager


    Perhaps it is you that need to be more careful. Kent is not about to post (weak) information. Here is some more information provided by (Faraon) on these topics.

    There are others who have asked the very same questions, in which Faraon has answered very nicely. He has done some very good investigating.---Voyager

  • Voyager



    La Capra:

    Appointed by Govenor, appointed for term of the Govenor---Joe (Bednar) was replaced by Carol Gilstrap in Janurary 2001, appointed by Presidents Pro Team of the (Senate).---Go here and read page 12:


  • Euphemism

    I'm sorry, but this is flat-out ridiculous. Kent must be losing his mind.

    Look at some of the activities in the announcements of the University senate:

    "President Presnell requested three dollars to cover the expenses of her recent party at her apartment from everyone who had attended."

    "Sen. Alderson announced a Passover dinner at 6 PM that Wednesday in Cobb basement."

    "Sen. Blate invited senators to help him imbibe his store of potent potables during the upcoming three-day weekend."

    "Sen. Simun announced President Presnell was a lousy Johnston Scholar who rarely volunteered her time"

    This is not politics, folks, by any stretch of the imagination.

  • mizpah

    Lady Lee

    Thanks for clarifying that it was about college, not national, politics. The posting was misleading initially. There are enough errors in the Watchtower Society without creating bogus ones. I'm sure that the Watchtower and JWs in general would not have encouraged participation in this sort of thing.

    Years ago, I can remember local students being warned not to participate in United Nations Day activities in school. These students were to request another assignment instead. However, some students went ahead and participated anyway with their parent's approve who viewed it strictly as a class assignment. Nor further action was taken. But those participating or allowing participation were viewed as immature members.

  • minimus

    Just because Kent posts something, it doesn't mean it's accurate. I appreciate his site. It has helped me immeasurably, but I don't believe everything I read.....Now, let's post a story about how all the Governing Body members were caught watching porn, or something like that.

  • kgfreeperson

    They WERE??????

  • Eyebrow2
    Eyebrow2 this guy a college student or an actual senator? the stuff posted here is a bit confusing...but then again I started reading it late at night.

    as far as that he is a disfellowshipped JW or his wife just happens to be one? I thought this thread was going to be about JWs in good standing while they are in political office, not about former JWs, or spouses/& relatives of JWs.

    And Voyager, yes I was surprised at first when I learned about the NGO thing at the UN and did appreciate finding out about it.

    All I am saying (badly, I admit!) is that the what was posted in this threat really doesn't seem to prove too much.

  • cynicus

    Minimus et al: what exactly did Kent post and where? I've seen only posts (here and somewhere else) from a persona by the name of Voyager (aka Sebastian). Kent hasn't posted anything anywhere on this 'senator Bednar' topic afaik.

    Please girls, get your facts straight before bleating. For those who are reading at the unspeakable place, Norm did question the reference to a 'senator' as the most of us probably have. In that same thread it turned out that this is all about student government, not about the White House.

    I'm sure board management over here as well appreciates that bullshit is kept where it belongs.


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